Led By: World Vision and Plan International

Contact us at: ccp.tf@alliancecpha.org


Our Mission

To strengthen the evidence base for Community-Level Child Protection programming, documenting innovative and promising practices, and developing guidance and capacity-building resources based on learning.

Key Priorities of the Community Level Child Protection Task Force (CCP TF)

  • Strengthen understanding of Standard 17 and corresponding inter-agency guidance among Child Protection Practitioners
  • Facilitate access to interagency guidance and tools to operationalize Standard 17 for Child Protection practitioners and other relevant stakeholders
  • Increase learning and evidence-based on community-level approaches
  • Support the joint Community-Level Child Protection Task Force and Case Management Task Force initiative “Community Engagement in Case Management” through the stages of learning, development, piloting, and dissemination

Latest News

UPDATE: Global Training of Facilitators on Engaging Community Volunteers in Case Management Postponed


Due to ongoing insecurity in the region, the Alliance has postponed the Training of Facilitators that was to be held from 4-8 in Beirut, Lebanon. The new training dates and location will be shared as soon as possible, with hopes to hold the training before the end of March 2024.

The Alliance thanks all of those who applied to attend the training in Beirut. These applications are on file and will

Call for Applications! Training of Facilitators on Engaging Community Volunteers in Case Management


The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is offering a training opportunity on the recently launched inter-agency Community Volunteer Toolkit and Training Manual. With funding from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, this program will develop a cohort of facilitators equipped to use the Community Volunteer toolkit and training manual. Our hope is that through the training



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Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. COVID-19 also has a direct impact on the ability of child protection actors to engage with communities, as well as on the...

Working with Communities to Keep Children Safe, v.1.1

Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. COVID-19 also has a direct impact on the ability of child protection actors to engage with communities, as well as on the...

Capacity-Building Package | Strengthening Community-level Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Strengthening Community-level Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Capacity-building Package is intended to help practitioners adapt more community-driven approaches into their current programming, plan new programs with higher levels of community involvement, and build capacity in the workforce. The primary audience is frontline community-level child protection practitioners of...

A Reflective Field Guide: Community-level Approaches to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Community-level Approaches to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Reflective Field Guide aims to contribute to fostering more authentic community engagement in humanitarian child protection action. It Community-level Approaches Guide encourages honest reflection and discussion about current programming, what strong community participation could look like, and what child protection...

Summary: Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Definitions and Terminology

This is a summary of the Alliance's Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Definitions and Terminology . A chapter-level summary is presented in 12 postcard-sized slides, highlighting community based definitions such as: community, community-based community-based child protection community driven formal child protection system informal child protection system family and kinship...

Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Definitions and Terminology

This resouce provides a list of common Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) - related terms and their definitions - is intended to show the evolving definitions around CBCP. Terms include: community, community-based community-based child protection community driven formal child protection system informal child protection system family and kinship structures child welfare workforce ​ This report...


Video | The Reflective Field Guide: Community-level Approaches to CP in Humanitarian Action (Video 4)

Video | Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches (Video 1)

Video | Community-level CP in Humanitarian Action: The Need for a Shift in Mindset (Video 3)

Video | Reflecting on Current Community-Level Programming (Video 2)

Strengthening Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Settings: PowerPoint


Webinar | New Ways of Working - Theory of Change for Community-level Child Protection Programming in Humanitarian Settings

The Community-level Child Protection (CCP) Task Force has developed a Theory of Change (ToC) to build a common understanding amongst humanitarian agencies on the approaches and core objectives of CCP programming. This ToC aims to support actors to move away from top down/one-size-fits-all community-based approaches to reach higher levels of community ownership for the protection of children in...

Global Launch | Community Volunteer Toolkit and Training Manual: Part 1. Volunteers’ Roles in Case Management

A Toolkit for Community Child Protection Volunteers
Our vision is that these new resources will inspire child protection organizations across the globe to recognize the essential role of volunteers and develop case management responses that will engage volunteers ethically. This toolkit is based on the Community Engagement in Case Management study, which was commissioned by the Alliance and completed in 2020. During the webinar, we will share an...

Webinar | Virtual Launch of the Community Engagement in Case Management Study

This webinar was held in English with simultaneous translation provided in French, Spanish and Arabic. Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance invites you to this special virtual event to launch the Community Engagement in Case Management Study! The study is meant to share with the global community what we learned about the work of community volunteers; the roles that they play in Child...

Webinar | Working with communities to keep children safe in times of COVID-19

Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. COVID-19 also has a direct impact on the ability of child protection actors to engage with communities, as well as on the...

Community Level Child Protection Task Force Leads

Joy Cheung, World Vision