

Available now! Recordings & Live Drawings from the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! This year’s annual meeting hosted 148 participants in Panama City and engaged 594 viewers during the live streamed sessions on YouTube and Facebook. Let’s continue the learning, discussion and...

Live Drawings from the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

During the 2024 Annual Meeting, the Alliance had a virtual artist present to capture all the highlights and most memorable moments from select sessions in the meeting! Please find the collection of drawings attached. Please note the drawings are organised as per the Agenda of the 2024 Annual Meeting...

Report | An Overview of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action organised the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City, Panama from the 4th to 6th of June. The Annual Meeting focused on protecting children in escalating conflict and crises, with a specific focus on...

Webinar | Capturing Voices: Evidence Generation for CAAFAG

The involvement of children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) in evidence generation, including data collection for research and learning, is often methodologically and ethically challenging. While it is understandable that field practitioners may be hesitant to involve CAAFAG...

2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Thank you to all the members, friends, and colleagues of the Alliance who expressed interest in attending the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City. Regrettably, due to the overwhelming response and limited availability, we are unable to accommodate...

CPHA-CPMS Learning Package

This learning package has been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It replaces the Child Protection in Emergencies Face-to-Face Training Package. The package is designed to help build entry to mid-level skills and knowledge for child protection in...

Executive Summary: Inter-agency Guidance on Child Protection Case Management Data Categorisation

Child Protection Case Management (CPCM) is a cornerstone of child protection in humanitarian settings. While numerous tools and guidelines exist, there is an opportunity to utilise CPCM data more effectively. This data can enhance programme quality, inform humanitarian response planning, and drive...

The Alliance Flyer (2024)

This flyer provides a brief overview of the structure and activities of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) in 2024. This flyer was designed specifically for the 2024 Annual Meeting and is available in English and Spanish (French and Arabic versions coming in July...

Theory of Change for Community-level Child Protection Programming in Humanitarian Action

This Theory of Change (ToC) has been developed by the Community-level Child Protection (CCP) Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It is designed to build a common understanding amongst humanitarian agencies on the core objective of CCP programming:...

Facilitators and Speakers at the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This booklet contains the biographies of the facilitators and speakers at the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City from June 4th- 6th, 2024. The biographies are organised by facilitators and speaker in alphabetical order by first name and are searchable by...

INEE Meet-Up | Child Protection and EiE: Being Better Collaborators and Allies

The Alliance and the Inter-Agency Networking for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is pleased to invite you to an INEE Meet-Up event focusing on collaboration between the CPHA and EiE Sector! This event is free and open to all; please register ahead of time. INEE Meet-Up events are not recorded, so...

Webinar | Piloting the Primary Prevention Framework: Implementation Phase

The Prevention Initiative of the Alliance and PLAN International are pleased to invite you to a webinar on lessons learned from the Primary Prevention Framework pilots in South Sudan and Niger. Speakers: From PLAN International Niger: Kovo Esul and Toumbe Ibrahim From PLAN International South Sudan...

Online Coffee Break with the Alliance!

Save the Date! Join us on May 20th for the first online Coffee Break with the Alliance! Virtual Coffee Features: The online Coffee Breaks will be 1 hour, interactive sessions are will be held on a quarterly basis. The sessions will held on Zoom and advertised at least two weeks of advance. Coffee...

Participant Pack | 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Please find Participant Pack for the 2024 Annual Meeting in English and Spanish. It is important that participants familiarise themselves with this pack before the meeting! The Participant Pack gives you all the information you need to successfully participate in the meeting, including our Code of...

Session Booklet for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This booklet contains summaries for the sessions of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City from June 4th- 6th, 2024. The theme of this meeting is “Protection Children in Escalating Conflict and Crises: Armed Violence, Climate Shocks, and Displacement”. The...

CPHA and Climate Intersectionality Learning Needs Analysis – Your help needed!

Now and for decades to come, climate change will exacerbate child protection risks and threats to the safety and mental health of children, and further inequity through its intergenerational impacts. It will contribute to increased conflict, displacement, food insecurity, financial hardship...

Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Please find the detailed Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting in English and Spanish. You can also find the Schedule Overview and Livestream Agenda to find out when and where we are going live! *Last update May 31st

Background Paper | Taking Action to Protect Children in Escalating Conflict and Crises: Armed Violence, Climate Shocks, and Displacement

This Background Papers aims to support the upcoming discussions during the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Based upon over 300 responses to the Annual Meeting Theme Survey, this year’s theme focuses on protecting children in escalating conflict and crises. Against...

Project Update from the Accountability to Children Initiative

This update, from the Accountability to Children Initiative on the Inclusive and Accountable: Participatory Accountability Mechanisms for Children and Accessible Humanitarian Action for Adolescent Girls with Intellectual Disabilities in Burkina Faso and Ethiopias project, is intended to be a live...

Child Labour Learning Package, Turkish

Çocuk İşçiliği Öğrenme Paketi, Kurumlar Arası Araç Kiti'nin yaygınlaştırılmasını tamamlamak ve desteklemek amacıyla geliştirilmiştir: İnsani Yardım Faaliyetlerinde Çocuk İşçiliğinin Önlenmesi ve Müdahale Edilmesi. Araç Kiti, Plan International ve Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü (ILO) tarafından...

Inter-agency Child Protection Case Management Data Protection and Information Sharing Protocol

The purpose of this Data Protection and Information Sharing Protocol (DPISP or Protocol) is to provide specific guidance to enable an agreement to be reached on data protection and information sharing in the context of inter-agency child protection case management. This Protocol establishes agreed...

HNPW 2024 | Young People's Recommendations to Enhance Accountability to Children Across Sectors’

Join us in Geneva or online during the 2024 Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Week! Humanitarian actors across sectors recognise the importance of including children in programming, and ensuring their views are heard. However, many remain uncertain about how to implement accountability...

New Resources for Working Across Sectors

The whole humanitarian system has a role to play in realising children’s rights, including their right to protection. Greater collaboration, action, and investment are needed to ensure all humanitarian interventions are safe, accessible, and child protection sensitive. When protecting children is a...

HNPW 2024 | Protecting Our Children: The Crucial Role of Localisation in Child Protection

Join our Virtual Session on Locally-Led Child Protection Initiatives on the 2024 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week! Discover the power of locally led child protection efforts through compelling examples from national actors. These initiatives, spearheaded by community, local, and national...

Child Protection Competency Framework for Camp Coordination and Camp Management Actors

Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other individual characteristics. The centrality of children and their protection in humanitarian action is a...