About us

Our Mission

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action ("The Alliance") envisions a world in which children are protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence in humanitarian settings. Its mission is to support the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in both refugee and non-refugee humanitarian contexts.

As a global network of operational agencies, academic institutions, policymakers, donors and practitioners, the Alliance facilitates inter-agency technical collaboration on child protection in all humanitarian contexts. It sets standards and produces technical guidance for use by the various stakeholders. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) currently co-leads the Alliance with World Vision and Hurras Network.

Please note, while we are not accountable for the actions of members, we take safeguarding concerns seriously. If you have concerns about the conduct of a representative from one of our members, you may report it to membership@alliancecpha.org

The Alliance’s Work Falls into Five Categories:

Standard setting

Standard setting and Guidance Development:

The Alliance develops standards for child protection in humanitarian action and generates technical guidelines and associated materials for use by humanitarian actors. It also promotes the integration of humanitarian standards and norms into practice and encourages efforts to learn from their use and improve upon them. The Alliance is the custodian of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, which is considered a companion to the Sphere standards.

Capacity Building, Learning and Development:

The Alliance develops technical capacity for child protection by identifying, expanding and strengthening the child protection in humanitarian action workforce; mapping capacity gaps; defining priorities and strategic direction in terms of capacity development; and providing learning opportunities, both face-to-face and remote.
Evidence and knowledge

Evidence and Knowledge Generation:

The Alliance invests in generating, processing and disseminating robust evidence on the effectiveness of programmes and strategies in protecting children in humanitarian settings.


The Alliance engages in advocacy for child protection and its beneficiaries. This includes ensuring child protection needs are reflected in the global humanitarian architecture and associated processes.


The Alliance convenes humanitarian child protection actors working at local, national, regional and global levels to promote knowledge-sharing and technical collaboration.

Working Groups, Task Forces, and Initiatives

Our Coordination Structure:

Co-Leadership of the Alliance:

The Alliance is led by a tripartite co-leadership structure: Local/National NGO, International NGO, and UN Agency. Currently the Alliance co-leadership comprises UNICEF, World Vision, and Hurras Network. The INGO and NNGO co-leads rotate every three years. The UN and INGO co-leads are responsible to resource and staff the director and deputy director of the Secretariat, in accordance with the Executive Committee and Steering Committee decisions.

Steering Committee (SC):

The purpose of the Steering Committee (SC) is to set the strategic direction of the Alliance and to ensure that it is managed effectively. The SC has primary authority and responsibility on matters of strategic significance, policy, and of governance issues of importance to the functioning of the Alliance. The SC comprises 20 voting members, plus one non-voting seat for the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility. Among the membership, there is representation from local/national/regional NGOs/CBOs, and international organisations (NGOs/UN).

Executive Committee (ExCom):

The Executive Committee (ExCom) is delegated by the Steering Committee to oversee the implementation of the Alliance strategy and work plan. The ExCom guides and supports the Director and Deputy Director to implement SC decisions and the day-to-day operations of the Alliance.  The ExCom is composed of five representatives of the SC; they are the three co-lead agencies’ representatives plus two members elected by the SC. Currently the ExCom of the Alliance comprises Hurras Network, BIFERD, World Vision, Save the Children and UNICEF. Members of the ExCom rotate every three years.