Past Webinars

The Alliance is committed to providing child protection practitioners with participatory and evidence-based webinars. If you missed the live presentation, or would simply like to watch it again, you can find the edited recordings in the list below.


Webinar | Integrating Child Protection and Education in Emergencies Programming during COVID-19

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance L&D Working Group the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) invite you to join a webinar on collaboration between Child Protection and Education in Emergencies actors during COVID-19. This webinar will present new research from the...

Webinar | Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising during COVID-19

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance L&D Working Group invites you to join this webinar on Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising during COVID-19. This webinar is the first in a series of L&D Webinars to continue to support the protection of children during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will...

Webinar | Virtual Launch of the Community Engagement in Case Management Study

This webinar was held in English with simultaneous translation provided in French, Spanish and Arabic. Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance invites you to this special virtual event to launch the Community Engagement in Case Management Study! The study is meant to share with the global...


Join World Vision & the Alliance as we we reflect on the latest findings of research into child friendly spaces by World Vision, Columbia University and AfriChild Uganda and discuss alternative approaches to promoting children’s mental well-being and protection in humanitarian response. Through an...

Webinar | Introduction to the NEW Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is pleased to invite you to the launch of the Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit. This interactive webinar will introduce participants to the tools, include a case...

Virtual Launch | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

Register via this Zoom link. Worldwide, an estimated 152 million girls and boys are in child labour, almost half of them, 73 million, work in hazardous child labour. The incidence of child labour in humanitarian crises is an imminent concern. The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to push millions...

Webinar | Child Protection Remote Capacity-Building Adaptations (French version)

Register via this Zoom link. This webinar is part of the Alliance L&D Working Group webinar series on Child Protection Capacity Building Adaptations during COVID-19. Each webinar will present practical approaches and recommendations on how to adapt capacity building activities and deliver them...

Interactive Learning Webinar | Connecting Child Protection, Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash – Working Together to Protect Children from the Effects of COVID-19 and Beyond

Find the presentation from this webinar here. The benefits of social protection and humanitarian actors working together in different ways across the “nexus” is well-recognised. In order to address the wide range of needs (in the last year, often pandemic-related), and particularly those of a socio...

Webinar | Child Protection Capacity-Building Adaptation in MENA During COVID-19 (Arabic version)

Register via this Zoom link. Please find the Arabic Webinar Flyer attached below. This webinar is a part of the Alliance L&D Working Group webinar series on Child Protection Capacity Building Adaptations during COVID-19. Each webinar will present practical approaches and recommendations on how to...

Webinar | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups! Sandra Maignant, CAAFAG advisor for Plan International and writer of the Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups...

Webinar | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (French version)

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups! Sandra Maignant, CAAFAG advisor for Plan International and writer of the Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups...

Webinar | YLabs and IRC Project on UASC / CP and Cash Task Force Meeting

Register via this Zoom link. Tackling barriers to cash and voucher assistance programs for unaccompanied and separated adolescents. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs have proven to be an effective, efficient, and dignified way to help vulnerable people access basic needs in the development...

Webinar | Launch of the Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Register via this Zoom link. Dear colleagues, We hope you are and your loved ones are well. The CAAFAG Task Force, co-led by UNICEF and Plan International, is excited to invite you to the Virtual Launch of a Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups! The event will...

Webinar | Research on the Impact of Monetary Aid on the Well-Being of Children in the DRC

Register via this Zoom link. As part of a multisectoral project, this research aims to determine whether and to what extent cash assistance can help to change the living conditions of different categories of families, with a focus on the needs and well- be their children. The speakers will present...

Virtual Launch | Still Unprotected – Humanitarian Funding for Child Protection

You are invited! To join the discussion at the virtual launch, register here. Why is protection of children in humanitarian contexts so neglected, and what can we do to better protect these children from harm? In 2019, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Save the Children and...

Webinar | CAAFAG and COVID-19 (French version)

Veuillez vous inscrire par ce Zoom link. Ce webinaire portera sur l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les programmes concernant les enfants associés aux forces et groupes armés. A travers les messages clés et les considérations en lien avec ces programmes, ce webinaire réunira des professionnels...


This web event, part of our COVID-19 webinar series and the sequel to Catching Up on Lost Learning, Part 1: Applying Accelerated Approaches in Response to COVID-19, will be held jointly by INEE and the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG). This “Part 2” webinar will feature new guidance from...

Webinar | The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (English version)

Please find the edited recording of the English language webinar here. - Advocacy Webinar sponsored by the Advocacy Working Group COVID-19 Advocacy Team (CAT): “The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions” 21 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm...

Webinar | Cash interventions and child protection outcomes for children

The Cash and Child Protection Task Force is hosting a webinar, featuring a child protection cash intervention programme. Street Child is a child centered organisation that specialises in integrated solutions to education and protection for children in chronically poor or conflict and crisis affected...

Webinar | Adapting Family Strengthening Programs and Approaches to COVID-19

Please join us for a webinar and discussion on Family Strengthening in the time of Covid-19: Programmatic Adaptations to Support Families in Need. This webinar will include presentations on program adaptations from Family Strengthening Task Force member organisations and open discussion on...

Webinar | COVID-19: Protection Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home (Spanish version)

This webinar examines the technical note on protecting children from violence, abuse, and neglect in the home as countries implement lockdowns and stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of COVID-19. Protective prevention and response strategies are outlined with the goal of strengthening the...

Webinar | COVID-19 and Child Labour

Join experts and practitioners from different organisations across the globe to discuss ‘COVID-19: Protect children from child labour, now more than ever!’, the theme of the 2020 World Day Against Child Labour. Participants will hear an update based on the Alliance for Child Protection in...


As a response to the COVID-19 crisis, child protection actors and service providers are exploring how they can continue to provide support to children and families remotely through the use of technology. This includes child helplines. The Alliance, the CP AoR, Child Helpline International and UNICEF...

Webinar | Working with communities to keep children safe in times of COVID-19

Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. COVID-19 also has a direct...

Webinar | Strengthening Family & Caregiving Environments—CPMS Standard 16 in the Context of COVID-19

For the edited recording, click here. - The CPMS WG is launching a new webinar series to introduce the new standards in the 2019 edition of the CPMS. This webinar focuses on standard 16 - strengthening family and caregiving environments - in the context of the current global COVID-19 pandemic. The...