Case Management TF

Led By: Hurras Network and Save the Children

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Our Mission

To strengthen case management in humanitarian responses as part of child protection systems building. The CMTF aims to improve the knowledge and skills of global, regional and field-level emergency children protection responders who are planning, implementing or supporting case management services in humanitarian settings by developing standardised tools and guidance, contributing to field-level learning and research, and providing technical guidance and support.

Key Priorities of the Case Management Task Force

  • Ensure that Child Protection practitioners have access to inter-agency technical tools, guidance and support to strengthen case management systems in humanitarian settings
  • Ensure that Child Protection practitioners have access to inter-agency case management capacity building opportunities at national, regional and global levels
  • Collect, synthesise, and effectively disseminate learning and evidence on case management systems and practices. 

Case Management Task Force Leads

Sazan Baban, Save the Children

Mohammed Gaffar, Hurras Network