Manuales y materiales técnicos

Standard Child Protection Case Management Forms

The primary focus of these guidelines is for use by agencies and practitioners in humanitarian settings. However, these guidelines can also be a useful resource for  governments and agencies working in more stable or development situations. Likewise, these guidelines can be helpful additional guidance in refugee situations, but practices would need to take into account broader refugee case management including the specific Best Interest Procedure. While we have tried to make these guidelines as user-friendly and simple as possible, we have assumed that agencies and staff engaging in case management work have some training and experience in providing care and support to children with child protection concerns. Training materials on case management have being developed by the CPWG to accompany these guidelines. In addition, there are a number of other training packages and useful resources, which are included in the Resources Section at the end of the guidelines.

Case management
Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS)