Conseils techniques et materiel




Early childhood

Children with disabilities


Child participation

Environmental considerations

Refugees, internally displaced and migrant population settings

Infectious disease outbreak settings

Urban settings

Mobile programming

Cash and voucher assistance

Systems strengthening

Child trafficking

Standard 1: Coordination

Standard 2: Human resources

Standard 3: Communications and advocacy

Standard 4: Programme cycle management

Child protection-specific resources

Humanitarian standards

PCM resources


Child participation and ethical considerations for involving children in programming


Standard 5: Information management

Standard 6: Child protection monitoring

Standard 7: Dangers and injuries

Standard 8: Physical and emotional maltreatment

Standard 9: Sexual and gender-based violence

Standard 10: Mental health and psychosocial distress

Standard 11: Children associated with armed forces and armed groups

Standard 12: Child labour

Standard 13: Unaccompanied and separated children

Standard 14: Applying a socio-ecological approach to child protection programming

Standard 15: Group activities for child well-being

Standard 16: Strengthening family and caregiving environments

None at this time.

Standard 17: Community-level approaches

Standard 18: Case management

Standard 19: Alternative care

Standard 20:  Justice for children

Standard 21: Food security and child protection

Standard 22: Livelihoods and child protection

Standard 23: Education and child protection

Standard 24: Health and child protection

Standard 25: Nutrition and child protection

Standard 26: WASH and child protection

Standard 27: Shelter and child protection

Standard 28: Camp coordination and camp management and child protection

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