événements à venir et wébinaires

Webinar | Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer and Child Protection: A Case Study (English and Spanish Editions)

Start and finish time of webinar
5:30pm EAT
The Alliance

The link to the English recording is here(le lien est externe). For the Spanish version, click here(le lien est externe).


The global Cash and Child Protection Task Force is pleased to announce a webinar (English/Spanish) to present a case study from Save the Children’s multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Colombia.  

In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented a multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Colombia. The program aimed at covering vulnerable household’s basic needs and prevent them from resorting to negative coping strategies, notably affecting the protection and nutritional status of Children. In addition to the monthly transfer of multi-purpose cash grants, Save the Children provided its beneficiaries with Child Protection and Nutrition support, consisting in IYCF activities, provision of recreational and psychosocial support through CFS and case management. Results from this case study highlight the effectiveness of MPCA as tool to tackle the financial causes of shelter, WASH and food insecurity as well as its positive multiplier effects on other sectors such as Child Protection, Nutrition and to a certain extent Education and Health, particularly when combined with soft complementary activities. It also provides sector specific recommendations that can be applicable to the Venezuela response and other large-scale migration responses.

Speakers - English Webinar (10:30am EST / 5:30pm EAT)

Julia Grasset is an Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Senior Specialist at Save the Children US. For the past 8 years, she has been supporting Save the Children's cash and voucher programming in the middle east, Africa and Latin America. For the past 2 years, Julia has been providing technical backstopping to Save the Children's Venezuela Response, and notably participated to the design and implementation of this program. 

Nael Jean Baptiste is a MEAL Senior Specialist at Save the Children US, focusing mostly on CVA and FSL programs. For the past two years, he's been providing technical MEAL support to SC's Colombia program, and notably participated to the development and implementation of all MEAL activities of this program. 

> Click here(le lien est externe) to register for the English webinar. 


Speakers - Spanish Webinar (9:00am EST / 4pm EAT)

Jeremías Pabón López is a MEAL specialist with a background in IT engineering. He led on the MEAL activities for the MPCA Plus program in Arauca and is now the MPCA manager for Arauca. 

Daniela Sarmiento Gutiérrez is a Nutritionist professional, specialised in IYCF and nutritional coaching with over 7 years of experience providing assistance to vulnerable adults, children and communities. She led on the set up and implementation of SC's IYCF activities in Arauca, as part of SC MPCA + program. 

Kelly Pabon Estupiñán  is a psychologist and has been focusing in the past 2 years on developing and strengthening Save the Children's community outreach in Arauca. She's been working on SC's MPCA program since the beginning, with a specific focus on Child Protection activities.

> Click here(le lien est externe) to register for the Spanish webinar.

Language of webinar
Cash assistance