Learning Packages Menu | Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
IA Learning Packages
This Packages Menu lists the training packages available from the Alliance. Further resources that can support learning exist (such as videos, case studies, webinar recordings) but are not listed in this document. For such resources, see the Alliance Past Webinars and YouTube Channel.
For information on other CPHA training materials, see the CPHA learning resources mapping.
For more details and support contact the Learning and Development Working Group at learning@alliancecpha.org.
The Packages Menu includes:
- CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit & Training Guide
- Programme Design for CAAFAG MOOC
- Child Protection Case Management Training Manual
- Case Management - Supervision and Coaching
- Child Friendly Spaces
- Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) v2014
- Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) v2014 for Assessors
- Child Protection Training - DPKO
- Community Child Protection Volunteers Toolkit and Training Manual
- Contextualising the Child Well-Being Framework and Measurement
- COVID-19 Learning Modules
- Protecting Child during COVID-19 and other Infections Disease Outbreaks MOOC
- CPHA Competency Framework Tools and Training
- CPHA CPMS Learning Package
- CPiE Standby Partners Training - UNICEF/UNHCR
- Frontline Workers Getting Started Package
- CPMS e-Course
- CPMS Mini Course
- CPMS Slide Deck
- IA Child DDR Training - 2 Day Package
- Information Management - CPWG/EWG v2014
- Interviewing Children
- Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action
- Primary Prevention Framework for CPHA Introductory Learning Package
- Strengthening Community Level Approaches to CPHA
- Taking Care of Yourself
- Grab Bag - Icebreakers and Energisers
- 311 vues