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Call for Applications! CPHA CPMS Learning Programme

The Alliance

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, in collaboration with Daystar University and Save the Children, invites applications for a Horn of Africa regional pilot of the CPHA CPMS Learning Programme.

What will you learn?

By the end of the learning journey participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of guiding principles in child protection in humanitarian prevention and response actions;
  • Describe child protection risks and protective factors through a socio-ecological model in humanitarian contexts;
  • Explain the scope and range of child protection prevention and response strategies in humanitarian contexts;
  • Suggest ways to ensure quality child protection response through 6 key areas of programming highlighted in the Child Protection Minimum Standards;
  • Suggest ways for working across sectors to maximise protection outcomes for children;
  • Describe the importance and potential challenges of incorporating selected cross cutting themes into child protection humanitarian response.

Who is this programme for?

This learning programme is intended for entry level humanitarian practitioners in need of gathering an overall understanding of child protection in humanitarian action, including Child Protection Minimum Standards. It is designed to contribute towards building the capacity of practitioners in attaining Level 1 of the CPHA Competency Framework.

Typically participants to this course could include: newly- recruited CPHA staff; CP development staff getting ready to respond to upcoming crises; government officials involved in CPHA responses; humanitarian and development professionals in other sectors who are interested in gaining a better understanding of CPHA.

Please note the programme is a regional offering for those working in in Kenya and the Horn of Africa.

Programme Schedule: 

  • Self-paced learning activities: Prior to joining the live session of the CPHA-CPMS learning package you are requested to complete 3 tasks for a total of 6 hours of self-learning.
  • Facilitated online introductions session: One month prior to the live sessions the facilitator will invite all of the participants to a live session to get to know each other and clarify any doubts about the pre-course tasks to be completed.
  • In-person five-day training, hosted by Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya on 22-26 May 2023.
  • Individual assignment: Upon completion of the CPHA – CPMS live learning sessions we encourage all participants to further elaborate on the application of the course content to their own role within child protection in humanitarian action through the submission of a reflective report illustrating how they are applying or intend to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
  • Successful completion of all components is required to graduate from the learning programme and achieve the programme certificate.

Participation Requirements: 

Participants are expected to take part in the learning programme in full, including the self-paced, pre-course components, the in-person component, and the post-course assignment.

Please note that participants or participants' organisations will be expected to:

  • Cover participant costs associated with getting to and from the venue during the course, including travel and accommodation
  • Cover any insurance costs related to participant travel if relevant.

Subsistence during training hours (lunch and two breaks) will be provided.

How to Apply: 

To apply for a place on the course, please complete this application form(le lien est externe).

Applications will close on Sunday 26 February. Participants will be informed of the outcome of their application by Monday 6 March.

Representatives of local and national organisations are encouraged to apply.

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Information Flyer 358.68 Ko
Capacity strengthening
Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS)
Learning and development