Opportunités d'emploi

Ukraine: Child Protection and MHPSS

Background Information on Plan International: 

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child, but this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination, and its girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood, and we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years and are now active in more than 75 countries.

Read more about Plan International's Global Strategy: Girls Standing Strong at https://plan-international.org/strategy(le lien est externe)

Summary of the Requirement: 

The conflict in Ukraine is resulting in a major humanitarian crisis with over 6 million people having fled to neighboring countries, and millions displaced within Ukraine. Children and adolescents are particularly exposed to risks of family separation, psychosocial distress, trafficking, child labour, and sexual exploitation. Plan International is responding to the crisis in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Romania and is working in partnership with civil society organizations to meet the key needs of those affected by the crisis as well as host communities.

ITT Overview and Instructions: 


Plan International are inviting interested parties to submit a Proposal as part of a competitive process for Child Protection Consultancy Services. Successful Bidder(s) will be expected to enter into a Consultancy Agreement with our organization. Plan International reserves the right not to award a contract as a result of this Invitation to Tender, or to award to multiple successful Bidders.

Instructions to Tenderers: 

These instructions are designed to ensure that all Bidders are given equal and fair consideration. It is the Bidders responsibility to ensure their offer is complete and that you provide all the necessary information asked for in the format specified, or risk your offer being rejected. Further details can be found in section 9.1 of this ITT document, ‘Submission Checklist.’

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.

Documents comprising this tender pack are as follows:

  • Tender/CP-6/4/23 Plan Tender Dossier - ANNEX B - Pricing Schedule - ANNEX D - Supplier Questionnaire - ANNEX E - Non Staff Code of Conduct - ANNEX F - Plans General Terms and Conditions

Tenderers are required to submit their proposal, inclusive of all required annexes, via email to procurement@plan-international.org. Offers must be received by the deadline specified in the section ‘3.3 Key Dates and Timelines.’

The offer and all correspondence and documents related to the tender must be written in English and may be duplicated with Ukrainian.

Each Tenderer or member of consortium or sub-contractor may submit only one offer.

Unless stated otherwise, all communications from Bidders in relation to this tender, including Clarification Questions, must be directed to: procurement@plan-international.org and must include the ITT reference number: Tender/CP-6/4/23

Key Dates and Timelines: 

The following table outlines the key dates and timelines associated with this tender process. Plan International reserves the right to change these at any time as the tender progresses. To maintain transparency, fairness, and adequate time to prepare your offers, Plan International will inform all interested Parties of any changes to these key dates and timelines simultaneously and in a timely fashion.

Activity and Deadline Date: 

  • Issue of Invitation to Tender - 06.04.2023
  • Deadline for supplier submission of clarifications questions - 17.04.2023 23:59 BST
  • Deadline for Plan to respond to clarification questions - 24.04.2023 23:59 BST
  • Deadline for submission of offers - 08.05.2023 23:59 BST
  • Plan Review of Offers - 15.05.2023
  • Contract Award - 22.05.2023 - approximate


Bidders are required to complete the pricing schedule attached separately in ‘Annex B – Pricing Schedule.’ All prices must be quoted in EUR, and exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).

It is expected that prices will be fixed for the duration of the contract and quotes valid for a maximum period of 90 calendar days following the Closing Date of this tender. If for any reason you are unable to guarantee fixed pricing for the duration of the contract, any projected price increases should be clearly stated in your tender.

To ensure a fair and transparent process, Plan International will not be able to divulge budget information relating to this tender or associated Projects. It is expected that Bidders submit their best possible financial offer at the point of submission.

The successful Bidder will be required to pay their staff who work on this contract at least the National Living Wage.

Specification and Scope of Requirement: 

Plan International Ukraine requires a Child Protection Consultant or Consultancy Services to deliver key project activities financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Ukraine. The initiative is for a total period of 14 months , however for the ongoing initiative the deadline for the consultancy is December 2023.

The project aims to increase capacities of civil society and public/state actors on child protection and gender-based violence, analyze and assess existing nationwide child protection structures, actors, and mechanisms to strengthen referral and reporting mechanisms.


  • Mapping of private (including CSOs) child protection services in 4 locations – Kirovohradska, Khmelnytska, Cherkaska, Vinnytska. The mapping intends to cover areas of case management, alternative care, psycho-social support (PSS), and legal assistance;
  • Organise and conduct minimum of 6 workshops to identify gaps in services and training in the 4 locations;
  • Based on workshop outputs, develop an action plan for private and public institutions to improve child protection and MHPSS structures;
  • Develop a capacity building plan for the public and private actors on Child Protection and MHPSS;
  • Develop campaigns and key messages for awareness-raising measures for the public on the topics of child protection in 4 locations;
    • Provide and facilitate a minimum of 4 trainings and ToT’s in 4 areas/regions with Child Protection actors to adapt Plan International’s Child Protection in Emergencies and MHPSS methodologies; and - If required, undertake mentoring and coaching of ToT participants.

The following are the expected deliverables for this consultancy:

  • The consultant shall submit an inception report after signing of agreements within 15 days that includes the detailed methodology, tools, and work plan;
  • One (1) service mapping for each location identified for child protection and MHPSS actors structures and mechanisms (in accordance to the IASC Guidelines on MHPSS);
  • Develop campaign to promote and create awareness on child welfare at the society level
  • Conduct a minimum of six (6) workshops on CP and MHPSS targeting the project areas;
  • Provide one (1) report for each workshop summarizing the key findings of the agenda and the actors participating in the workshop – maximum 10 pages;
  • Develop a Situation Analysis Report based on the outcome of the workshops – containing the Context Analysis (risks, protective factors, needs, referral pathway, protocols, data management (and recommendations) and include a Capacity Building plan based on any major challenges identified during the workshops;
  • Based on the needs identified during the workshops, conduct a minimum of 6 face to face and/or on-line capacity building sessions for workshop participants (groups).

Some modification can be applied in agreement between both parties to guarantee the success of the project, however the consultancy / consultancy services will be guided by the project proposal (to be shared after the tender period).


  • Strategy and project planning: CPiE and other technical focal points in the Plan Ukraine and Plan International Global Team.
  • Country Operations: Support Staff (HR, Logistics, Security and Finance)
  • Advocacy and Coordination: Child Protection sub-cluster in Ukraine.



  • A University Degree in Social work, international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, international law or other social science field is required.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Ukrainian and English languages is essential. Knowledge of Russian language is an asset.
  • Good knowledge of the Ukrainian national child protection system, including local laws and policies, role and responsibility of local child protection authorities, and available child protection services and supports.
  • Knowledge of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and inter-agency guidance and tools related to unaccompanied children, alternative care, case management, family strengthening, community-level child protection, MHPSS, and cash and vouchers assistance for child protection.
  • Knowledge of Core Humanitarian Standards and SPHERE.


  • Minimum of 3-5 years of progressively responsible professional experience in working with child-focused or child protection mandated civil society organizations or government agencies.
  • Experience of training on child protection interventions, such as alternative care, case management, community-level child protection, psychosocial support, and child survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, with a variety of audiences.
  • Experience working in Ukraine, or conflict situations preferable.


  • Excellent communication skills and ability to develop well-argued plans for response that can be justified and delivered, persuasive of others.
  • Excellent ability to build collaborative and respectful relationships with local organizations and government authorities.
  • Excellent negotiation, representation, skills, and the ability to work comfortably with an ethnically diverse staff in a very sensitive environment.


  • Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to Plan’s core values and humanitarian principles
  • Aware of own strengths, weaknesses and pro-active in using feedback and self- development
  • Aware of impact on others and uses impact to create positive climate at work
  • Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable, and resilient manner.
  • Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to gender and diversity.
  • Patient, adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive under pressure.
  • Willingness to learn and be exposed to new learning opportunities

For further information, tender documents and enquiries, please contact Procurement@Plan-international.org

How to Apply: 

Please submit all tender documents to Procurement@Plan-international.org by 23:59 (BST), 8th May 2023.

Thank you for your proposal.

Plan International
Type of work