Home-based: Rapid Mapping of ASEAN Member States Law Enforcement Actors Responsible for Cases Linked to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
The ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) and Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) endorsed the project “Implementation of key regional activities under the Regional Plan of Action for the Protection of Children from all forms of Online Exploitation and Abuse in ASEAN (RPA on COEA)” which is being implemented by ACWC Thailand with support from UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (UNICEF EAPRO), ECPAT International, and other partners. The project is included in the 2021-2025 ACWC Work Plan and is listed under the ASEAN-UNICEF Framework for Agreement Joint Working Programme 2021-2025. The project aims to translate regional commitments as stipulated in the RPA on COEA into action. Namely:
- Development of guidelines for harmonized and comprehensive national legislation to ensure protection of children from all forms of online sexual exploitation and abuse (activity 1.2.5);
- Development of guidelines for the provision of protective and support service for all child victims and children in contact with the law as a result of online CSEA (activity 4.1.6); and
- Regional dialogue for cross-border collaboration between law enforcement agencies for cases linked to CSEA between ASEAN Members States, and between ASEAN and other regions (a precursor to activity 1.2.6).
To reduce the possibility of unintended duplication and to inform the establishment of an initiative to facilitate ongoing, periodic regional law enforcement dialogue on CSEA, ECPAT International is seeking an expert consultant to conduct a rapid mapping exercise of law enforcement actors in each ASEAN Member State who are responsible for cases linked to CSEA, with additional focus on online/ICT impacted cases, and cases involving cross-border characteristics.
The expert consultant will:
- Complete rapid desk review of law enforcement entities to identify relevant departments, specialist units and actors responsible for cases linked to CSEA;
- Draw on their own existing network and contacts in law enforcement across ASEAN Member States to arrange confirmatory conversations with relevant representatives.
- Consult relevant regional experts and provide a brief analysis of key regional initiatives and mechanisms enabling cross-border law-enforcement collaboration (e.g. Bali Process, UNACT etc.)
The rapid mapping exercise result in a brief, internal-only report that provides brief description of relevant entities for each ASEAN Member State that have responsibility for cases linked to CSEA. Additional detail regarding actors involved in online/ICT impacted cases or cases involving cross-border characteristics will be noted. Existing collaborations and mechanisms that offer opportunities to be strengthened and extended should be noted. Additional data may be included regarding capacity needs may be included – bearing in mind sensitivities and operational needs for limited disclosure in this respect. The report will be between 30 and 50 pages and divided by ASEAN Member State with an additional section to capture regional mechanisms and non-ASEAN actors active in the region.
The rapid mapping exercise is expected to take place within May 2023 and 12-15 days of work are anticipated (one day per country, five days for completion of report, feedback and presenting findings).
Consultant Profile:
Qualifications & Experience:
- Relevant qualifications and experience working with or alongside law enforcement in Asia
- Extensive existing knowledge of regional law enforcement actors
- Personal network of contacts with law enforcement in ASEAN Member States
- Technical understanding of child sexual exploitation and abuse
- Knowledge of regional legislation and law enforcement procedures regarding child sexual exploitation and abuse, including cross-border collaboration
- Ability to work autonomously and to a deadline
- Understanding of law enforcement, including sensitivities regarding operational disclosure
- Fluency in English, other ASEAN languages a strong advantage
- Demonstrable experience and skills in English report-writing
Additional Information:
This is a home-based position. The selected consultant will be required to comply at all times in an manner that is consistent with the organisation’s policies and procedures.
Commitment to Safeguarding:
ECPAT is committed to ensuring children and adults engaged with our organizations are safeguarded from any form of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. The candidate is required to act at all times according to ECPAT’s values and principles and in compliance with our policies and procedures, including Child Safeguarding and our Code of Conduct.
[1] ITU (2022). ICT Facts and Figures 2022.
[2] UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti (2022). Children’s Experiences of Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in 12 Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa and Southeast Asia. Disrupting Harm Data Insight 1. Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children.
How to Apply:
please send CV and short cover email, including a brief proposition of your approach and financial proposal (with daily fee) to vacancy@ecpat.org.
Mention in the subject header: Your name and “Law Enforcement”
Deadline: ECPAT International does not set a fixed deadline for this request for proposal and will be reviewing offers as they come in. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply early.
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