Home-based: Research on Sexual Exploitation of Children Bolivia and Brazil
September - December 2023 (apprx 30 working days per country)
Document practices and identify localized responses to prevent and address the sexual exploitation of children through the engagement of the INFORMAL travel and tourism sector
Bolivia and Brazil (two positions):
ECPAT International is a global network of organisations working together for the elimination of the sexual exploitation of children in all its manifestations i.e. exploitation of children in prostitution, online child sexual exploitation, sale and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and some forms of child, early and forced marriage. The ECPAT Network currently consists of 124 members working at national and local levels in 104 countries.
Informality of the travel and tourism industry is a constant characteristic of the market in Latin America, and globally. Though the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights apply to a universe of tens of thousands of transnational corporations, and millions of other businesses, as well as the informal sectors – these to a large extent remain out of reach. Additionally, digital technology continues to transform all work sectors. This includes the rise of informal or not fully regulated accommodation through online platforms, allowing private persons to rent out their premises outside of the government regulatory child protection measures if such exist. In terms of the potential of involving informal economy partners, is that as community members they know local realities, and can be activated to become positive actors of change in creating protective environments for children.
Research Details:
To activate informal actors and help translate children’s rights and business principles into local work, ECPAT International and partners aim to:
- Identify existing approaches, models, and experiences in engaging the informal sector in the respective project countries through desk research and consultations with key informants, to document opportunities, challenges and limitations of engagement with informal sector in the country.
- Identify, analyse and assess selected practices and localised responses, through qualitative research with informal sector actors, authorities, child participation groups, and experts on business and human rights (this may include fieldwork).
- Document local solutions in a report including initial recommendations for CSOs, governments, and tourism authorities on how to work together on the creation of protective environments for children, with the participation of the informal economy.
ECPAT is seeking two local researchers (one per country) to explore and document local knowledge and practices in Bolivia and Brazil respectively, as the pilot project countries. ECPAT will provide training as well as methodological frameworks and guidance for the completion of the tasks.
Key Tasks:
- Participate in online coordination and orientation meetings with the ECPAT team to discuss the approach and methodological framework.
- Conduct desk review in the respective country.
- Conduct qualitative research activities (semi-structured interviews and/or focus group discussions or other methods to be defined) in the country with the selected actors concerned (15 to 20 research participants minimum).
- Using a template provided by ECPAT, develop a report with the proposed recommendations that will be finalised in cooperation with ECPAT International.
Lead participatory analysis and validation of findings sessions at local and national levels with concerned actors. Based on the reports (one per country) including the recommendations on how to engage the informal travel and tourism sector in child protection, ECPAT International will develop guidance in cooperation with other partners.
Expected Deliverables:
- Desk review
- Summaries of the qualitative research activities
- 2/3 documented case studies
- Synthesized report presenting major findings, promising practices, and recommendations (15-20 pages max)
Consultant Profile:
- Prior experience conducting qualitative research activities;
- Good knowledge of the local context in the respective country, including knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese for the respective research (two positions);
- Good writing skills (the reports can be written in the respective languages;
- Understanding of child sexual exploitation, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Children's Rights and Business Principles;
- Experience in collaborating with the private sector, experience with the informal sector engagement is a plus;
- Ability to work autonomously and multi-task;
- Availability to travel locally in the respective country;
- For the researcher in Brazil, an ability to speak English or Spanish to coordinate with ECPAT;
- Strong organisational skills and ability to manage time and meet deadlines;
Timeframe: It is expected that this short-term consultancy will involve 30 working days maximum and take place from September to December 2023.
Additional Information:
- This is a home-based position; the consultant will work from home including fieldwork in the respective country;
- The Consultant is expected to act at all times in a manner consistent with the values of ECPAT International and in compliance with the organisation’s policies and procedures including Child Safeguarding Policy and the Staff Code of Conduct.
How to Apply:
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: please send to vacancy@ecpat.org.
- CV and examples of previous research work
- Expected daily fee (local travel budget and any organisation of validation sessions will be funded separately by ECPAT)
Mention in the subject header: Your name and “SECTT informal sector”
Deadline: 18 August 2023
ECPAT International is committed to keeping children safe. The selection process reflects our commitment to the safeguarding of children.
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