Kenya: Evaluation and Beneficiary Satisfaction Survey for the Project, “Building Stronger Child Protection Systems in Dadaab and Kakum"
About Terre des hommes:
Tdh has been present in Kenya since 2011, supporting access to basic services for populations affected by displacement, natural crises, and poverty. Currently, Tdh is implementing child protection interventions in Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps and the Kalobeyei settlement in Garissa and Turkana Counties together with the surrounding host community. The intervention in these refugee camps and host communities is focused on prevention and response to child protection needs while strengthening formal and informal protection mechanisms. In Nairobi, Tdh is implementing an early childhood development project adopting the socio-ecological model aiming at expanding the protective space for children between 0-6 years old in the Korogocho informal settlements. In Garissa County, since 2022, Tdh has been implementing health and nutrition interventions with a protection component in response to drought and its effects in the horn of Africa region.
Background and Context:
Terre des hommes foundation (Tdh) with support from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) has been strengthening prevention and protection mechanisms in Dadaab since 2013. In 2022, the activities expanded to Kakuma refugee camp and the Kalobeyei settlements to complement existing child protection systems and bridge child protection gaps in close coordination with UNHCR and its partner agencies.
Through consecutive one year funding cycles, Tdh has been implementing the program: Building stronger child protective communities through response, empowerment, participation, and inclusion. The program who`s general objective is “Prevention and protection mechanisms are strengthened in Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps and reception centres, Kalobeyei settlement and host communities,” targets children and families with prevention and response activities to achieve the following program deliverables.
- Risks of violence, exploitation and abuse are identified and minimized.
- Community child protection mechanisms and community participation are strengthened.
- Child protection systems are strengthened.
Scope of the Assessment:
The survey aims to highlight how Tdh's procedures, activities and implementation are perceived and whether it is meeting beneficiaries’ needs. The information collected will enable Tdh respond to beneficiaries needs within the scope of the program. While Tdh has a feedback mechanism in place, the survey aims at providing additional standardized information on the project outcomes and its perception among beneficiaries.
The objective is to engage and strengthen beneficiaries’ capacity to take an active role in shaping the programs future and bring about the changes needed to address child prpotection risks and build resilience.
The specific objectives of the study are:
- To assess the overall satisfaction of the target beneficiaries/project end-users and community institutions regarding the interventions and achievements carried out in their respective target areas.
- Assess the extent to which the program has achieved its results and targets as designed in the logical framework.
- Assess the effectiveness of the program in eliciting intended and unintended results.
- Analyse the implementation strategy of the program, identifying the gaps and opportunities in approach.
- Identify challenges, best practices and areas of learning in design, implementation & monitoring of the action. The consultant will evaluate the extent to which Tdh has acted upon lessons learned during previous phases and identify further lessons learned, both positive and negative.
- Evaluate the extent to which accountability to affected populations has been established into program design and implementation, the gaps in the AAP mechanism as well as the niches for improvement.
Geographical Scope: Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps and the Kalobeyei settlements as well as the surrounding host communities in Dadaab and Kakuma.
Study Approach:
The evaluation/ BSS will be guided by the following criteria:
- Relevance: Assess to what extent local needs and priorities have been addressed, activities and output are consistent with the 3 intended deliverables of the program.
- Effectiveness: Assess what has been accomplished in relation to expected outcomes and results set in the log frame in each area of intervention and from a central level, specifying the major factors which have contributed to the achievement or not of the intended objectives. Further, assess the extent to which the Consortium coordinates with other relevant actors in each zone and identify where this could be improved upon.
- Efficiency: Assess how inputs (human, financial, material resources) have been translated into results and if results have been achieved at an acceptable cost.
- Sustainability: Assess to what extent the program will produce benefits in the long-term to the communities and the child protection mechanisms and identify gaps that could be filled.
- Management: Assess to what extent measures to prevent safeguarding and fraud incidents are implemented in accordance with Tdh`s and international standards.
Study Methodology:
The project has a projected direct beneficiary reach of 30,656. The consultant shall adopt an appropriate sampling method that will allow correct conclusions about the study population. The sampling methodology and size will be agreed together by Tdh and the consultant. Tdh should in all cases review and decide whether to approve any further modifications or changes made.
The process MUST be participatory and should ensure that project participants are proactively involved in the process. The methodology MUST be designed to ensure that voices of children and youths are heard, and their participation is child friendly and inclusive i.e., there is a clear focus on reaching and empowering the most deprived children and their communities to ensure that they are part of the findings and analysis.
The study proposes mixed methods of information gathering. These include:
- A literature review of secondary sources of project data i.e., donor reports, M&E reports, activity reports need assessments, theoretical frameworks, project work plans among other documents.
- Individual interviews with direct and indirect project beneficiaries (children, youth and adults). Sampling MUST demonstrate attention to age, gender and diversity dynamics.
- Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) held with relevant stakeholders engaged in policy making and implementation of protection related activities in the selected locations (including relevant government departments, CSOs, NGOs, INGOs, informal protection actors, project beneficiaries etc.)
- Focus Group Discussions with direct project beneficiaries and other relevant stakeholders.
- Case studies with direct project beneficiaries.
Tdh expects the consulting firm/ individual to adhere to ethical principles in research as well as Tdh`s risk management policies. Data collectors will be trained on how to identify and respond appropriately to situations of concern they might encounter.
Expected Deliverables and Timelines:
1.The study team will submit an inception report within 1 week of signing the contract. The inception report willinclude the following: study objectives, scope and key study questions, description of the methodology, including design, data collection methods, sampling strategy, data sources, and study matrix against the key study questions. It will also include the following.
- Data analysis and reporting plan
- Caveats and anticipated limitations of the study
- Risks and mitigation plan
- Ethical considerations including details on consent.
- Stakeholder and children communication and engagement plan
- Key deliverables, responsibilities, and timelines
- Resource requirements
- Data collection tools (in line with the study matrix)
2. Draft study report including the following elements:
- Executive summary
- Background description of the program and context relevant to the Study
- Scope and focus of the study.
- Study limitations
- Overview of the study methodology and data collection methods, including a study matrix
- Findings aligned to each of the key study questions/objectives.
- Specific caveats or methodological limitations of the study.
- Conclusions outlining implications of the findings or learnings.
- Recommendations
3. Final study report incorporating feedback from consultation on the draft study report, analysis outputs and Annexes (Study matrix study ToR, data collection tools, inception report, study schedule, list of people involved)
4.Develop a management response plan to react and take necessary actions to findings and recommendations of the study.
5. A PowerPoint presentation with the key findings, recommendations and actions articulated in the management response plan.
The timeline provided for this is 6 weeks from awarding of the tender.
To facilitate the process, Tdh will provide:
- Timely review and validation of the inception report.
- Timely review and validation of data collection tools and data collection approaches.
- Requisite documents for the desk reviews i.e., project reports, assessment reports, theoretical frameworks, activity reports, project proposal etc.
- Research assistants/ enumerators (to be paid by the consultant) where they will be required.
- List of beneficiaries to be sampled for the study.
- Logistical support that will be limited to booking of flights and accommodation (To be charged to the consultant firm/ individual)
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights:
The title rights, copyrights and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Tdh. All products developed under this consultancy belong to the Tdh exclusively, guided by the rules of the consultancy contract. Under no circumstances will the consultant use the information of this study for publication or dissemination to any individual or organization without official prior written permission from Tdh Kenya Country Office.
Selection Criteria:
A consultancy firm/ individual with valid legal registration paperwork in Kenya and formal access to the locations of the programme implementation.
The selected firm/ consultant should possess the following minimum qualifications as follows:
Academic Skills:
- Master's degree in advanced applied research, monitoring and evaluation, population studies, or any related academic discipline or an affiliation with a research institution or a university, holding a PhD, or being in pursuit of a PhD in a relevant field is an advantage.
Previous Experience:
- At least 5 of years of conducting studies of a similar nature and scope.
- At least two contracts of a similar nature and complexity implemented over the last three years or more.
- Strong background in monitoring & evaluation, research methods and ideal experience in humanitarian contexts in Kenya or abroad.
- Conversant with the context in Dadaab and/or Kakuma will be an added advantage.
- Experience in developing and implementing works of a similar nature with the UN, International NGOs or donors.
- Have access to Tdh interventions’ areas.
- Familiarity with the SPHERE and Child Protection Minimum standards in humanitarian action.
- Excellent knowledge and experience in survey design, implementation of surveys and statistical data analysis.
- Demonstrated experience of participatory research methods with children and young people.
- Excellent analytical, communication, writing and presentation skills in English and Swahili.
The applications will be evaluated by an evaluation committee. The application achieving the highest number of points will be selected for contracting. In addition to the review of applications, interviews will also be conducted to clarify details of the offers and motivation and experience of the applicant.
How to Apply:
The interested firm/ consultant should submit their applications no later than September 14th, 2023. The submission of proposals (technical and financial) and/or related questions should be directed to Tdh via email to:
Applications MUST include all the following:
- Technical proposal
- Financial proposal – with a detailed line-item budget.
- Up-to-date CV of the consultants/team members – max. 3 pages/CV.
- Reports of previous work carried out.
- Confirmation of legal registration of the applicant (in the case of legal entities)
*Contacts of 3 professional references will be requested by Tdh if the bidding firm/ individual is shortlisted for further consideration.
Applications including annexes must be in English. Submissions in other languages will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted as a single application package – documents sent separately will not be accepted.
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