Kenya: Development of Policy Brief on Comprehensive Child Safeguarding during Protests
The Anglican Development Services (ADS) is the Specialised Development arm of the Anglican Church responsible for spearheading social transformation work in Kenya. Our vision is a sustainable organization, which works with communities to attain a Godly and Dignified living. The History of the Church working in development began during the colonial times, when missionaries built and ran schools and hospitals. Out of this early effort came out many schools that have produced competent people currently running our country. Today, most schools and hospitals have been taken over by the government. The church entered a new phase in the 1960s with establishment of vocational training centres for development of skills for those that graduated from these schools. In 1970s the church was involved in development and humanitarian response. In 1980 and 1990s the ADS work focused more on social justice that saw the country grow political landscape in the country with Anglican Church Bishops spearheading fight for improved political governance. In 2000s ADS focused more in development including food security, economic empowerment, Health and HIV and AIDS. In 2015/2016 Church has continued to transform communities in areas of economic empowerment, food security, water and sanitation and climate change and resilience. This included participation in climate change justice campaign by FBO that saw 600,000 petitions from Kenya presented to the conference of parties (COP) in Paris. In 2016 ADS participated in political mediation that produced memorandum that provided road map to resolution of independent boundaries electoral commission stalemate. In 2017, ADS initiated peace building process in Transmara that has culminated in the signing of peace accord between the Kipsigis and Maasai communities.
Protests and demonstrations are an integral part of democratic societies, providing a platform for citizens to voice their concerns, advocate for change, and participate in civic engagement. Protests can encompass a wide range of issues, including political, social, economic, environmental, and human rights concerns. However, the dynamics of protests can be unpredictable, and ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants, especially vulnerable groups such as children, is of paramount importance.
In the context of Kenya, there have been past unfortunate incidents that underscore the critical need for comprehensive child safeguarding during protests. These incidents include tragic events where children, while in the comfort of their homes, were shot due to their proximity to protest areas. Additionally, instances of children being tear-gassed, both within school premises and in their homes, have highlighted the urgent necessity of developing clear guidelines and policies to protect children during protests.
Children, as some of the most vulnerable members of Kenyan society, require special attention and protection during protests of any nature. They may become inadvertently involved or exposed to situations that can potentially harm them physically, emotionally, or psychologically. Child safeguarding during protests is a critical component of ensuring that children's rights are upheld, and their well-being is protected when they find themselves in protest-affected areas.
Protests often occur in various locations across Kenya, both urban and rural, including places close to homes and schools, where children gather. This proximity underscores the need for clear guidelines, policies, and responsible conduct by all stakeholders to protect children and uphold their rights during protests.
Child safeguarding during protests in Kenya entails addressing a range of issues, including the potential impact of protests on children, the need for comprehensive guidelines, and the roles and responsibilities of different actors, including law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, educational institutions, and community members.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to prepare a policy brief that will serve as a comprehensive guideline for relevant stakeholders in Kenya, including law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, civil society organizations, and community members, on child safeguarding during any form of protests, with a specific focus on the conduct of all stakeholders in multiple environments, including homes and schools.
The policy brief should:
- a. Identify key risks and challenges to children's safety during protests in various settings in Kenya.
- b. Propose measures and policies to mitigate these risks and ensure the protection of children's rights in Kenya.
- c. Provide recommendations for the conduct of all stakeholders in safeguarding children during protests in Kenya.
- d. Highlight best practices and case studies from Kenya and other regions, if applicable.
The consultant's responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
- a. Conducting a thorough review of relevant national and international laws, policies, and guidelines related to child safeguarding during protests and the conduct of all stakeholders in multiple environments.
- b. Reviewing existing research, reports, and case studies on this topic, with a specific focus on incidents in Kenya.
- c. Engaging with relevant stakeholders in Kenya, including government authorities, law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, educational institutions, and community members, to gather input and insights.
- d. Developing a comprehensive policy brief that includes clear recommendations, guidelines, and best practices for safeguarding children during protests in various environments in Kenya.
- e. Presenting the draft policy brief for feedback and incorporating suggested revisions.
- f. Submitting the final policy brief in both electronic and hardcopy formats.
The consultancy is expected to be completed within 20 days, starting from the signing of the contract.
- a. Inception Report: A brief report outlining the consultant's approach and work plan within the set timeframe.
- b. Draft Policy Brief: A comprehensive draft policy brief for review and feedback within the deadline of the assignment.
- c. Final Policy Brief: The finalized policy brief, incorporating feedback and revisions, within the contractual timeline.
- a. A minimum of 5 years of experience in child protection, human rights, Public Policy, Peace and Conflict Transformation, or a related field.
- b. Expertise in policy analysis and development.
- c. Familiarity with child safeguarding issues and protests, with specific knowledge of incidents in Kenya.
- d. Strong research and analytical skills.
- e. Excellent communication and report writing skills.
- f. Demonstrated experience in engaging with stakeholders and conducting consultations.
The budget for this consultancy should include all expenses related to research, meetings, consultations, and the preparation of the policy brief. The budget should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- a. Demonstrated expertise and experience in child protection and policy development.
- b. Clarity and relevance of the proposed methodology.
- c. Realistic timeline and work plan.
- d. Competitive budget proposal.
- e. References and past work in related areas.
How to Apply:
Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals, including a detailed methodology, work plan, CV, and budget by email to at the latest 30th Sep 2023.
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