Opportunités d'emploi

Home-based: Phase-out Country Sustainability Re-assessment

Save the Children Norway (Redd Barna) is a non-governmental child rights organisation working to realise children's rights in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, development, protection and participation. Our ambition for 2030 is that all children survive, learn and are protected. We aim to reach the most deprived children. We are a membership organization, and we are politically and religiously independent. SC Norway is a member of Save the Children Association which works in 117 countries. 

Evaluation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with NMFA Period: 2020 – 2024

Save the Children (SC) entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) for the period 01.01.2020–31.12.2023. The agreement has been extended until the end of 2024. The SPA places the protection of children at the center of humanitarian action, fostering local leadership and coordination across sectors. For SC, the thematic areas are education and child protection in emergencies, as well as, where appropriate, integrated health and nutrition programming. As part of the SPA, the Flexible Funds mechanism has been in place to support acute humanitarian responses according to the most urgent needs.

The main purposes of the SPA review are to:

Assess the progress and achieved results of the SPA as per the end of 2023:

  • To what extent have the intended outcomes been met, as articulated in the results framework, including any differential results across groups, positive or negative, intended, or unintended?
  • Provide learning from programming, experience and results achieved to guide the upcoming humanitarian SPA period with the Norwegian Government. Focus will be on gender, inclusion of children living with disabilities, accountability, safeguarding, localization, risk, and the cross-cutting issues in the program.
  • Provide recommendations into the (future) humanitarian programming of SCN: Key success criteria of the ongoing SPA portfolio/program, areas of improvement, needs not covered by the present SPA.

These findings will ensure a deeper understanding of what has been achieved so far, where challenges remain and to which extent the SPA has proved to be a relevant instrument for fulfilling the SCN/SCI humanitarian strategies.   

The Evaluation will inform decision-making and priorities going forward in SCN´s 2025–2028 SPA application, including guiding decisions on future humanitarian activities and modalities to be used for optimal results. 

  1. The planned for Impact and outcomes of the SPA (2020–2024):  

  • Impact:  Save lives, provide protection, alleviate suffering, and restore dignity to the most vulnerable children affected by humanitarian crisis 

This is to be achieved through the following three thematic outcomes: 

  • Outcome 1: Most vulnerable girls and boys benefit from timely and appropriate humanitarian protection, assistance and efforts to reduce long term vulnerability. 

  • Outcome 2: States, non-state actors and the humanitarian system better understand and take actions to reduce rights violations against children affected by conflict and crisis. 

  • Outcome 3:  Humanitarian response puts children at the centre and leverages national capacities (and innovative approaches) to respond more effectively, sustainably, and accountably to the needs of girls and boys affected by crisis and conflict. 

The evaluation will be carried out as a desk study, with in depth interviews with the key stakeholders in selected countries. The selection of countries (tentatively five countries) will be based on sustained relations and the investment over time, as well as the amount of budget received in the past years (tentatively Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, DRC and the Venezuela response). 

Evaluation Questions:

The key expected outcome of the evaluation is to establish to which degree planned Impact and Outcomes (3) have been achieved to guide future humanitarian programming of SCN. The below categories of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency (OECD/DAC criteria) guide the sub-questions under each category.  

In addition to the three outcomes defined above, the evaluation will also consider the following cross thematic areas and selected DAC criteria’s: 

  • Risk factors and dilemmas, humanitarian access, humanitarian principles – dilemmas   
  • Localization, partnership, accountability to affected populations, child participation, inclusion, gender, Nexus/Triple Nexus 


The key deliverables of the evaluation are: 

  • Inception report as per the template (by 21 February) 
  • Sharing all anonymized data collected from the different sources (by 21 February) 
  • The final evaluation report (based on template, incorporating comments and technical inputs from the reference group) with a summary of the evaluation brief, and a presentation (by 15 March) 

Please consult the Terms of Reference(le lien est externe) for project details. 


  • Master's degree in advanced applied research/evaluation methods/ economics, business, or any related academic discipline or an affiliation with a research institution or a university, holding a PhD, or being in pursuit of a PhD in a relevant field is an advantage. 
  • At least 5 of years evaluating humanitarian programs. 
  • At least two evaluation contracts of similar value, nature and complexity implemented over the last three years or more. 
  • Strong writing, analytical and research skills, and ability to apply them in interdisciplinary contexts. 
  • Strong background in monitoring and evaluation techniques and ideal experience in conflict-affected countries. 
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of humanitarian core standards and principles 
  • Familiarity with conflict analysis and complex humanitarian program 
  • Conversant with the context in the Middle East region and countries 
  • Experience in developing and implementing Evaluations with the UN, International NGOs or donors. 
  • Familiarity with the OECD/DAC and UNEG evaluation framework 
  • Excellent communication skills and fluency in spoken and written English 
  • Capacity to deliver with quality and deadlines 

How to Apply: 

To apply, please submit the following documents using this link(le lien est externe):  

  • CV 
  • Letter of interest (1 page) 
  • Project and financial proposal in Norwegian kroner (NOK) 
  • Writing sample if relevant.  

All applications must be submitted through Redd Barna's human resources portal due to GDPR. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. For questions regarding the consultancy, please contact Christina Wagner Faegri. Email: christina.faegri@reddbarna.no 

Save the Children Norway
Type of work