Opportunités d'emploi

Home-based: Lead Consultant SCROL Research (Safety for Children and their Rights Online)

Lead Consultant SCROL Research (Safety for Children and their Rights Online)

Remote - End of March until September 2024 - 50 days in total

Background Terre des Hommes Netherlands: 

Terre des Hommes Netherlands is part of the International Federation of Terre des Hommes organisations, a strategic partnership of member organisations sharing the same brand name and core values for joint lobby and advocacy around children’s rights. Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) protects children by preventing and stopping child exploitation, and by empowering children to make their voices count. Our work is grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and seeks to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Under our new Global Strategy (2023 - 2030), TdH NL is redefining and refining our role as a child rights organisation, with the strategic ambition that “by 2030, Terre des Hommes Netherlands is a catalyst for systemic change to stop child exploitation. We do this by empowering children and their communities, connecting them with those who have power to enact change, and utilising our knowledge and expertise to co-create sustainable, evidence-based solutions.”

TdH Netherlands is led by a two-headed Executive Team: Executive Director and the CEO.

The values of TdH Netherlands are: Responsible, Bold, Human-Centred and Playful.

The organisation's core principles are:

  1. Children at the Centre,
  2. Intersectionality and Power Awareness,
  3. Safety and Wellbeing,
  4. Sustainability, and
  5. Meaningful and Strategic Partnerships.

In line with our new strategy, TdH NL is in the process of establishing three thematic programmes under which our portfolio of humanitarian and development projects and programmes will be managed. These are: 1. Child Labour, 2. Sexual Exploitation of Children, and 3. Humanitarian Action. Our programmatic work is supported by two cross-programmatic units: Programme Development and Quality (PDQ), and Research, Expertise and Influencing (REI). Aligned to our new strategy, and based on many years of experience as a child rights organisation, we aim to consolidate our expertise and programme management, informed by research, to bring about sustainable and systemic change in the lives of children, and to hold duty bearers accountable.

The focus of TdH NL regarding humanitarian action is on child protection in emergencies (CPiE), with a particular focus on the protection of children from exploitation.

Consultancy Purpose and Use: 

The Safety for Children and their Rights OnLine (SCROL) programme has been implemented in Kenya, Cambodia, the Philippines and Nepal by TdH NL country offices and 7 local partner organisations since October 2022, with the financial support of the Netherlands Postcode Lottery. Its goal is that all children, irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, ethnicity and abilities are protected from Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) in a safe family and community environment.

OCSE is a complex issue that constantly evolves depending on technological and legal developments and internet usage. There is a need to strengthen the evidence base to inform current and future programming to increase the relevance and effectiveness of interventions that aim to prevent and respond to OCSE. In 2024, TdH NL will lead the design and implementation of a research piece in the 4 countries where SCROL is implemented, in order to contribute to the evidence base on OCSE, to contribute to the implementation of the TdH NL Global Research Agenda and to inform the implementation of the SCROL programme as well as future programming.

TdH NL recognizes that children with intersecting identities e.g. gender, disability, socio-economic status, placement in alternative care or other factors influence the vulnerability of children to sexual exploitation. It is expected that the SCROL research will embed the understanding of intersectional factors and will add on to the existing evidence of the role of these factors and mechanisms that lead to victimisation of children. In alignment with our key principle that places Children at the centre, a Child Advisory group will be formed to ensure the research is relevant to children’s needs and interests and is validated and disseminated by and with children.

In this context, TdH NL is looking for a Lead Consultant to support the implementation of all stages of the SCROL research.

Specific Objectives of the Consultancy: 

The purpose of this consultancy is to:

  1. Develop a relevant and quality research framework with participatory child-centred research methods
  2. Provide guidance and quality oversight to the consultants based in country
  3. Produce a consolidated research findings report in both full version and child-friendly version
  4. Support the publication of the research report

Time Period and Geographical Area: 

  • The assignment will start in March 2024 and is expected to be completed by September 2024.
  • The consultancy can be completed remotely. As in-country consultants will be recruited, no travel will be required.

Profile of the Consultant: 


  • Postgraduate degree in anthropology, sociology, development studies, childhood development, international human rights law, international development studies, adolescent health or education, or other relevant field.
  • At least five years of qualitative research experience, preferably participatory child centred research.
  • Previous experience designing global or regional research projects, that include primary data collection and analysis around child protection in a global setting
  • Understanding on issues related to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
  • Excellent ability to communicate and write in English
  • Experience working with diverse workforces
  • Experience in working as part of a research team
  • Working knowledge of research ethics, including informed consent, data confidentiality, do no harm, child safeguarding etc.
  • Demonstrated commitment to and capacity to implement a research project in compliance with TdH NL’s key principles: Children at the centre, Intersectionality and power awareness, Safety and Wellbeing

Supervision / Management of the Assignment: 

The Lead Consultant will report to the SCROL Programme Manager and receive advice from the TdH NL Research team.

Payment Amount and Procedure: 

Payment shall be made based on monthly invoice and timesheet.

How to Apply: 

Interested applicants are required to submit a technical and financial proposal.

The following components must be included:

  1. Financial and technical proposal for assignment delivery
  2. Up to date CV (3 pages max highlighting experience and skills related to this consultancy work) and contact details for two professional references (former client or employer).
  3. At least 1 writing sample and 1 sample of research tools developed for a previous similar project

The full proposal and supporting documents should be submitted no later than 18th March 2024; 17:00 (ICT). Apply here(le lien est externe) by C.O.B 18.03.2024.

TdH NL reserves the right to request for additional documentation from the shortlisted candidates/ firms for final decision making.

If you have any questions regarding to this vacancy you may send them to vacature@tdh.nl

Our Commitment to Diversity, Integrity and Child Safeguarding: 

We are not looking for just one type of person - we want to recruit people who can add fresh perspectives, innovative ideas and challenge our thinking. We are especially interested in people whose lived experiences help us to see things we might otherwise miss, and enable us to do better work with and for children. Whether or not you meet 100% of the criteria, we want to hear from you, because we know that different voices, ideas, perspectives and knowledge, working together will enable us to better the lives of children around the world.

TdH NL is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organisation. We continue to learn about intersectional considerations and power distribution within our organisation and our work. We are dedicated to preventing and eradicating any type of misconduct including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, any other type of misuse of power, lack of integrity or financial misconduct.

Note: We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us, this includes a commitment to diversity and inclusion at all levels of our work. All offers of employment will therefore be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which include a valid criminal record check, terrorism finance checks, and/or integrity screenings/references relating to misconduct and disciplinary actions in prior employment.

TdH NL is particularly committed to keeping children and vulnerable individuals safe, and has zero tolerance on (child) abuse. Every TdH NL employee is bound by the TdH NL Code of Conduct that describes the expected behaviour by staff, in particular with regards to Safeguarding children and (young) adults in our programmes. Child safeguarding measures are part of our selection and recruitment process. By submitting your application you accept that TdH NL will conduct such pre-employment screening for successful candidates. TdH NL participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme.

Terre des Hommes Netherlands
Type of work