Opportunités d'emploi

Home-based: Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection e-Course

Background Information on Plan International: 

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years, and are now active in more than 75 countries.

Read more about Plan International's Global Strategy: Girls Standing Strong at https://plan-international.org/strategy(le lien est externe)

The Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) sector has identified the need to build its capacity to use Cash and Voucher assistance (CVA) to achieve Child Protection (CP) outcomes.

To date, CPHA actors have developed face-to-face CVA and CP trainings in Southeast Asia(le lien est externe), the Middle East(le lien est externe), Southern Africa(le lien est externe) and Eastern Europe, as well as a series of adolescent-responsive CVA mini-guides(le lien est externe) and tools(le lien est externe). To build on this, the Alliance for CPHA CVA and CP Task Force, under the leadership of Plan International, is looking for a consultant to develop an online introductory CVA and CP course, composed of e-modules that can be hosted on Kaya and other learning platforms.

1. Requirements: 

Plan are seeking to contract a consultant to support the creation of online learning modules on CVA and CP which will introduce the fundamentals of CVA and CP programming.

The course is intended to be used as an induction for:

  • Technical staff, including middle managers and front-line staff who have direct contact with communities in humanitarian settings
  • Technical CVA programme staff (from all sectors) who are interested in adapting programmes to achieve CP outcomes
  • CP technical programme staff who will be working with CVA programming
  • Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) staff
  • Other humanitarian learners interested in practicing CVA and CP programming

2. Expected Outcomes: 

The consultant is expected to develop four e-modules to be selected among the below list:

  • Module 1: Introduction to cash and voucher assistance and CP programming
  • Module 2: Needs assessment and response analysis
  • Module 3: Cash and voucher assistance and CP programme design
  • Module 4: Implementation of cash and voucher assistance and CP programmes
  • Module 5: Monitoring cash and voucher assistance and CP programmes
  • Module 6: Evaluating cash and voucher assistance and CP programmes

Each module will be between 45 and 60 minutes and will be composed of short micro-learning activities and introductions to tools. Each module will consist of:

  • An overview of the learning outcomes
  • Learning components to introduce core content and tools.
  • 2 vlog-type videos: 1) A case study, whereby a scenario will be introduced and then in each subsequent module, more information about the case study is provided; and 2) Technical reaction to the reaction and case study. A technical advisor would be asked to provide this input.

Learning activities will be designed so that participants can reflect on key concepts, consider critical issues regarding the case study, and practice using the tools. These will be developed during the content development stage to ensure alignment with learning outcomes for each module.

Upon completion of the modules, participants will be able to:

  • identify key terminology, definitions, and principles for good practice for cash and voucher assistance for child protection (CVA and CP).
  • describe the basic elements of CVA and CP needs assessment, programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • map CVA and CP stakeholders in their context, considering their role in programming.
  • describe ways to meaningfully engage children in each stage of CVA and CP programming.
  • explain the relevance for CVA and CP in humanitarian contexts.
  • identify age and gender-specific CP and child safeguarding risks related to the various delivery mechanisms of CVA and strategies to mitigate risk.

The consultant will develop draft e-modules, share them with an Inter-agency Advisory Group which includes members of the Cash and Child Protection Task Force for feedback, integrate their comments and finalize the modules.

3. Deliverables: 

  • Four e-modules into authoring tools (e.g. Articulate, SCORM packages)
  • Four finalized e-modules, incorporating feedback from technical reviewers for uploading onto learning platforms
  • Files in SCORM format in English for uploading onto learning management system

4. Duration and Timeline: 

  • The consultant will be expected to complete the deliverables from the period of April to June 2024.

5. Expected experience of Consultant:


  • Considerable experience developing e-modules;
  • Previous experience working with non-profit organizations, including humanitarian organisations with a focus on child protection or child rights;
  • Excellent communication skills, with ability to provide timely responses and feedback to a globally-based team;
  • Previous experience working on projects that require a highly iterative and consultative process, with the capacity to incorporate multiple levels of feedback and perspectives in final products;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to successfully interact with a diverse group of people;
  • Collaborative work style, with strong team-player attitude and ability to identify gaps and to take initiative to fill them;
  • Flexible work attitude, with the ability to follow direction and work independently across a virtual work environment;
  • Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to independently track and follow-up on various tasks;
  • Fluent verbal and written English.


  • Experience delivering CVA and CP programming is an asset.

6. Reporting: 

The consultant will report to the Child Protection and CVA teams at Plan International. The Child Protection in Emergencies team and the Global Organisational Learning Consultant will provide technical oversight and review progress of all deliverables.

7. List of documents to be submitted with the RFQ: 

  • Detailed response to the RFQ, including proposed scope, methodology and proposed timelines
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
  • CVs of consultant(s)
  • Example(s) of similar previous work
  • Signed Annex A – Non-Staff Code of Conduct (please request this to procurement@plan-international.org(link sends email))
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.

All consultants/applicants are required to agree and adhere to Plan International’s Non-Staff Code of Conduct. (attached)

8. Submission of Offers: 

Offers must be received before Wednesday 17th April 2024 23:59 (UK Time).

The offer must be sent via email to Procurement@plan-international.org(link sends email) with the subject line “RFQ FY24 185 Cash and Assistance and Child Protection e-course”.

  • Detailed response to the RFQ, including proposed scope, methodology and proposed timelines
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
  • CVs of consultant(s)
  • Example(s) of similar previous work
  • Signed Annex A – Non-Staff Code of Conduct

9. Evaluation of Offers: 

Shortlisted suppliers may be invited to discuss their proposals in more detail at Plan’s discretion.

Plan International, at its sole discretion, will select the successful RFQ.

Plan international shall be free to:

  • Accept the whole, or part only, of any submission
  • Accept none of the proposals
  • Republish this Request for Quotations

Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the selection of the offers.

Part of the evaluation process may include a presentation from the supplier and a site visit by Plan International staff, to offices.

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.

Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional £ saved is money that we can use on our humanitarian and development work throughout the world.

Plan International may award multiple contracts and all contracts will be non-exclusive.

10. Contract Payment Terms: 

Please note that, if successful, Plan International’s standard terms of payment are 30 days after the end of the month of receipt of invoice, or after acceptance of the Goods/Services/Works, if later.

11. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement: 

The supplier should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation (if applicable)

12. Clarifications: 

The onus is on the invited companies to ensure that its offer is complete and meets Plan International’s requirements. Failure to comply may lead to the offer being rejected. Please therefore ensure that you read this document carefully and answer fully all questions asked.

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, or to any requirements of this RFQ, please email: procurement@plan-international.org

How to Apply: 

Proposals must be received before Wednesday 17th April 2024 23:59 (UK Time).

The proposal must be sent via email to Procurement@plan-international.org with the subject line “RFQ FY24 185 Cash and Assistance and Child Protection e-course”.

  • Detailed response to the RFQ, including proposed scope, methodology and proposed timelines
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
  • CVs of consultant(s)
  • Example(s) of similar previous work
  • Signed Annex A – Non-Staff Code of Conduct

Please include the RFQ reference “RFQ FY24 185 – Cash & Voucher Assistance and Child Protection e-course” in all correspondence.

Plan International
Type of work