
Session Booklet for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This booklet contains summaries for the sessions of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! *Updated May 31st
The Alliance
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Session Booklet [English] 334.32 Ko
Session Booklet [Spanish] 378.35 Ko

This booklet contains summaries for the sessions of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City from June 4th- 6th, 2024. The theme of this meeting is “Protection Children in Escalating Conflict and Crises: Armed Violence, Climate Shocks, and Displacement”. The summaries are organised by the agenda of the Annual Meeting and are searchable by session number and session title. 

If you are interested in learning more about a presentation during the annual meeting, please reach out to us at You will also be able to view all the session recordings from the Annual Meeting on the Alliance YouTube Channel in the weeks following the meeting. 

We hope you will be inspired by these sessions!