Switzerland: Consultancy to Conduct a Feasibility Study for a Safe Sport Label in Switzerland
1. About Terre des hommes:
Terre des hommes Lausanne (Tdh), Switzerland’s largest children’s rights organisation is present in 30 countries across the globe so countries in which it is active. We aim to enhance the rights and strengthen the psychosocial resilience of children and young people who are exposed to risks and face difficulties in accessing essential services around the world. Working in the areas of migration, access to justice and health, we take an inclusive approach to create durable solutions to the challenges children and their communities face.
For more background information about Tdh globally, please visit our global website.
The objective of the study is to assess the feasibility of developing and implementing a Safe Sport Label in Switzerland. The study will provide actionable insights and recommendations to support decision-making on the concept, design, and rollout of the label.
2. Background Information:
On September 12, 2024, with the support of InnoSuisse and ThinkSport, Tdh organized an Innovation Booster focused on enhancing Safe Sport for children. The event aimed to collaboratively address the critical question: How might we improve the protection and safeguarding of children in sport.
During the one- day workshop, participants from various sectors, including sports, child protection and safeguarding, came together to propose innovative ideas and solutions. Among the proposed solutions it was to conduct a feasibility study on a Safe Sport label in Switzerland as a promising approach to develop and promote safeguarding frameworks in sport clubs.
The concept of a Safe Sport Label is intended to provide a standardized certification for sports organizations that uphold the highest standards in safeguarding and promoting children and young athlete well-being. In Switzerland, where sport plays a vital role in society also hosting the Olympic International Committee in Lausanne. The implementation of such a label could ensure adherence to child safeguarding policies, athlete safeguarding measures, and ethical practices across the sports ecosystem.
This feasibility study will determine the viability of introducing a Safe Sport Label, including stakeholder interest, potential challenges, financial implications, and implementation pathways.
3. Scope of Work
The Consultant specifically is expected to:
- Conduct a Stakeholder Analysis
- Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including sports federations, clubs, policymakers, athletes, and safeguarding experts.
- Assess stakeholder interest, concerns, and willingness to adopt a Safe Sport Label.
- Regulatory and Policy Landscape
- Review existing Swiss and international safeguarding standards in sports specific context.
- Assess alignment with Swiss regulations and policies on child protection, safeguarding, and ethics in sports.
- Market Feasibility
- Evaluate the demand and readiness of sports organizations to adopt a Safe Sport Label.
- Identify potential challenges and barriers, including cultural, financial, and operational aspects.
- Financial Assessment
- Estimate the costs associated with developing and implementing the label.
- Explore potential funding sources, including government support, private sponsorships, and grants.
- Benchmarking and Case Studies
- Analyse similar initiatives in other countries to identify best practices and lessons learned.
- Implementation Framework
- Propose a roadmap for the development and launch of the label, including timelines, key milestones, and governance structures.
Other Expectations:
- Perform all work as per the signed contract, Terms of Reference, and the Technical and Financial Offer, including Tdh policies, and submit all deliverables as per the agreed deadlines.
- Be available for regular check-in calls, as necessary throughout the assignment to share updates on progress.
- Ensure that the identified Tdh focal point is regularly informed in case of any questions and issues (particularly, delays and blockages) that may emerge during the assignment and may require mutual discussion/planning.
4. Deliverables:
The following deliverables shall be electronically submitted in English language:
- Inception Report (2 weeks after contract signing)
- Detailed methodology and work plan.
- Initial list of stakeholders and data sources.
- Interim Report (at the midpoint of the study)
- Preliminary findings and stakeholder feedback.
- Challenges and opportunities identified so far.
- Final Report (by the end of the study)
- Comprehensive analysis and feasibility assessment.
- Recommendations and proposed implementation roadmap.
- Executive summary for dissemination to stakeholders.
- Presentation of Findings
A final presentation summarizing key findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders.
5. Timeline:
The timeline and efforts estimated for the assignment in the below table are indicative and will be finalized through mutual agreement between Tdh and the Consultant. Consultants are invited to develop their detailed work plan for the assignment with detailed breakdown in their Technical Proposal. Throughout the assignment Tdh will provide feedback and guidance.
- Start date of contract: To be confirmed (TBC)
- Developing the methodology proposal based on the guidance of Tdh : (TBC)
- Submitting the draft reports : TBC
- Finalizing the report: TBC
5. Consultant Profile:
Tdh will accept applications from individuals, teams, academic entities, NGOs and companies as long as they are officially registered with a tax number (i.e. are able to issue an invoice) and have training, education, research or similar as their object of activity, which can be proven by legal documentation. In case the work is conducted by a team, the team should ideally be diverse, and gender balanced.
Required Experience and Skills:
- Relevant MA degree in sports management, public policy, or social sciences
- 5+ years of relevant experience working conducting feasibility studies or policy research in other context and experience in Switzerland would be an added value.
- Swiss specific knowledge of the sports landscape, safeguarding and child protection policies and standards in sports.
- Strong analytical and communication skills, including stakeholder engagement.
- Strong understanding of diversity and inclusion incl. age, gender and diversity sensitivity aspects.
- Strong writing skills and ability to convey information and knowledge in tailored manner to the target audiences’ needs.
- Written and oral English proficiency and French.
- Official registration as an individual consultant or as an organization, company, think-thank, academia entity etc. being under the registered scope of activities.
- Capacity to issue invoices with tax registration in Switzerland.
6. Pricing and Payment Terms:
The proposed price for the work will be provided by the Applicant in the Financial Proposal. The consultant is expected to work for approx. 15 working days within the duration of this assignment, i.e. between the start date of the consultancy and 30 of March 2025.
Payment terms shall be 15 days net following Tdh’s receipt of deliverables based on the following schedule:
- 50% upon signature of contract
- 50% upon delivery, approval and successful submission of the proposal and its annexes final administration of contract.
7. Consultant Selection Criteria:
Tdh will provide a detailed briefing on its various policies and principles related to ethical considerations to the selected Consultant. All Tdh consultants are required to sign Tdh’s Good Business Practice and Code of Conduct, Data Protection and Child Safeguarding policies and adhere to its principles and ensure confidentiality of the information received from Tdh upon entering into contract.
Proposals submitted will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Technical proposal (40%):
- Workplan and timeline proposed
- Completeness of information based on the ToR.
Financial proposal (40%):
- Value for money
- Consistency with technical offer
- Completeness of information based on the ToR.
Profile and Demonstrated Experience of the applicant (20%):
- CVs and/or profile of the organization
- Previous work submitted.
How to Apply:
Submissions, including all attachments, must be in English or French and sent as a single package. The package shall contain the name and contact details of the lead representative of consultant.
The submission package shall include:
- Financial proposal: Daily fee in CHF Price should be net, VAT is payable by the consultant
- Up-to-date CV of the expert(s) or profile/portfolio in case of an organization (max. 3 pages/document)
- 3 examples of previous work carried out Confirmation of legal registration including tax number
All interested parties are invited to should submit their proposals or communicate their questions via e-mail to Alketa LASKU at alketa.lasku@tdh.org and Maria BRAY at maria.bray@tdh.org no later than 07 February 2025.The e-mail should have the subject-line: Safe Sport Label Feasibility Study- Consultant's name.
Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview prior to contracting.
All applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by e-mail after the contract is concluded with the selected applicant.
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