Bangladesh: Consultancy for Access and Participation of Children with Disabilities in Educational Settings in the Rohingya Camp Context in Cox’s Bazar
About Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion (HI):
Humanity & Inclusion- Handicap International (HI), since its establishment in 1982, has been working to support persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups all around the world. Its actions and testimony have focused in the past 35 years in responding to essential needs, improving living conditions and promoting respect for dignity and fundamental rights. HI has been working in the field of education for more than 20 years and collaborates with education, social and health care partners to ensure quality inclusive education for children with disabilities primarily in the state formal education system. HI is currently working in 27 countries, ie in West, Central, North and East Africa, the Middle East and Asia. There are a number of regional projects, such as a 7 country pan African project. HI is a recognized actor on the international forums: active member of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) in the UK and in France, a member of Educaid in Belgium and co-chair of the IE task group, as part of the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC).
HI Bangladesh:
This year in March 2022 HI, completed the implementation of an Inclusive Education Project funded by UNICEF. Through this project HI has been recognized as the Disability and Inclusive Education Leader of the Education Sector of Cox’s Bazar. UNICEF and HI entered into a second phase from August 2022.In addition HI is implementing Education Cannot Wait (ECW) a Multi-Years Project in consortium with Save the Children and YPSA; providing technical support and Inclusive Education within and across the consortiums.
In addition to building knowledge and skills of the relevant personnel in the field of disability and inclusive education, HI is organizing and facilitating training throughout the education sector.
HI’s Human Resources is capacitated and skilled to drive the sector programmes related to children with disabilities. HI’s programme is inter-related and integrated with Inclusive Education interventions include the Rehabilitation Team, Accessibility Team, MHPSS Team. These teams are working together to support children with disabilities to / in access in the learning centers – this inclusive effort of HI reflects the inclusivity within the organization.
Project Brief:
Among 907,766 Rohingya refugees, 2% of children ages 2-4 and 3% of children ages 5-17 are persons with disabilities. Only 65% of children with disabilities aged 5-9 and 59% ages 5-14 had reportedly attended temporary learning centres (TLCs) for at least 4 days a week prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. HI and UNICEF launched the “Equitable Access and participation to Education for Children with Disabilities of Rohingya refugee and host community project” in March 2021 to address children with disabilities’ rights to education through a twin track approach combining direct provision of specialized supports with inclusion technical support to mainstream education service providers. Within the first year of action, direct delivery of specialized education supports has empowered children with disabilities to access mainstream education services. Simultaneously, 10 IPs have improved their understanding of the barriers affecting children with disabilities’ participation in LC services as well as their duty to include children with disabilities in mainstream education services. Within each IP, master trainers have been trained to understand use of UNICEF’s Child Functioning Module for in an initial screening of functional difficulties in children, to understand the specialized services available and relevant referral pathways, and to understand the concept of provision of reasonable accommodations including classroom accessibility modifications and accessible education materials.
In 2022-2023, the programme strategy will continue to apply a twin track approach. At the level of the individual child, individualized education support will be delivered in Activity Learning Centers (ALCs) and individual homes to support children to have future participation in mainstream education settings. At the level of mainstream service provision, the programme will continue building targeted IPs capacities to ensure children with disabilities access to specific services, including through referral, required for increased participation. Specific measures to build IPs autonomy in delivering specific services for children with disabilities will include:
- Strengthening referral pathways for disability specialized services and improving effective management of referrals by targeted IPs
- Supporting Master Trainers to develop autonomous skills in the use of the Child Functioning Module to assess individual needs of children in targeted Leaning Centers, make appropriate referrals, and deliver assistive devices.
- Delivering guidelines for accessibility and reasonable accommodation in learning centers and carrying out accessibility assessments of targeted Learning Center environments to remove accessibility barriers and deliver reasonable accommodations
- Delivering ongoing technical support for the continuous review and implementation of Disability Inclusion Mainstreaming Action Plans of targeted IPs
- Delivering ongoing technical support to improve use of Accessible Education Materials (AEM) introduced in the previous phase of action.
- Delivering continuous capacity building of master trainers including delivery of training resources, delivery of training of trainer modules, and supervision of cascade training
- Sharing one lessons learning report highlighting good practices among IPs.
HI also works with the Age and Disability Working Group, local Organizations of Persons with Disabilities, and local women’s organizations/gender specialists to ensure that disability and gender are reflected in all technical resources.
At coordination and community level, HI will continue to actively participate in the Education Working Group and will coordinate with the Age and Disability Working Group and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities to advocate for children with disabilities rights to participate in mainstream education services.
Action Research Title: Access and participation of children with disabilities in educational settings in the Rohingya Camp Context in Cox’s Bazar
Objective of the Action Research:
The main purpose of this research is to critically examine the notion and practices of inclusive education in the Rohingya camp context. The Action Research will seek to explore and interrogate good practices and solutions in answer to the following research questions:
Research Questions:
- What works best to support children with disabilities to transition from specialized educational settings (ALCs) to mainstream school effectively?
- What works best to support children with disabilities who are already attending Learning Centers (LCs) in Rohingya Camp Context?
In order to find out the answer to these two questions, we will need to ascertain:
- The numbers of children who transition to mainstream settings and those who are unable to and why.
- The support packages that are put in place, how effective are the Accessible Education Materials (AEM), Assistive Devices, Therapeutic Services, Regular Education Materials, Low Cost TLM to enhance learning for the children with disabilities.
- The training that teachers in both settings have had.
- The transition plan and what this looked like.
- To evaluate / assess the access to education of children with disabilities
- To find out the attendance and participation of children with disabilities.
- To find out the pedagogy teachers are applying in the classroom and what pedagogies are going on well for the children with disabilities.
Scope of Work:
The HI and UNICEF partnership has strengthened the UNICEF Implementing Partners’ (IP) capacity on disability programming and implementation, such as training to Master Trainers from each of the UNICEF’s implementing partners (IP). The training is cascaded to teachers and volunteers to support their capacities on disability programming and service delivery. The partnership has also supported the capacities of district civil surgent offices to facilitate the medical assessment of children with disabilities in the government facilities (e.g., district Sadar hospital). HI also works closely with local authorities such as district/sub-district offices to issue the ‘Disability Card’ for children with disabilities from the host community and connect them with different government services which are designed for people/children with disabilities. This linkage has supported children with disabilities at the host community level to avail the services continuously.
The partnership programme has also made multiple knowledge management investments, including capitalizing on technical resources to ensure they match the needs of humanitarian actors and remain available beyond the PD period.
The programme also provides technical support to the Age and Disability Working Group and Organizations and Persons with Disabilities (OPD) at the sector and community level. Technical support and engagement has helped to build the capacities of the working group and OPD members to raise critical issues in sector working groups and host community local governance mechanisms. Such has hold authorities and service providers accountable for effective service delivery and mainstream education services. UNICEF and education sector stakeholders support the creation of sustainable mechanisms for inclusion monitoring and accountability of service providers to affected persons with disabilities. HI has been implementing the following activities under the ongoing partnership with UNICEF.
- Strengthening referral pathways for disability specialized services.
- Delivering guidelines for accessibility and reasonable accommodation, to remove accessibility barriers, and deliver reasonable accommodations.
- Delivering technical support for implementation of 12 Disability Inclusion Mainstreaming Action Plans with UNICEF education IPs.
- Delivering technical support to improve use of Inclusive Education Materials (IEM).
- Delivering continuous capacity building of master trainers including delivery of training resources, training of trainer modules, and supervision of cascaded training.
- build capacities of targeted Implementing Partners (IPs) to ensure children with disabilities access to the specific services.
The targeted locations of this project are:
In Ukhiya:
- Camp 4,
- Camp 10,
- Kutupalong registered camp
In Teknaf:
- Nayapara registered camp
- Camp 26,
This Action Research to be conducted within the above targeted areas of Cox’s Bazar district at 2 Sub-districts areas which includes children with disabilities, their caregivers/ parents, teachers, community people, and related government authorities. The data and information will be collected, analyzed and a report will be generated in English. Before finalizing the report – selected consultant(s) will consult with HI Technical and Project Team and will the draft report to HI. HI will provide feedback and comment to the report. Consultant(s) will finalize the research report and will send the final report to HI.
Research Techniques and Methods:
Primary data collection: The researcher(s) will use structured and semi-structured interviews, focus groups discussions, participatory meeting/ workshop, observation of class conduction, discussion with the children with/ without disabilities, home visits, checking education materials using in the classroom. The research work will use people/ children-centered approach. . Participation from the children with/ without disabilities, teachers, caregivers/ parents, volunteers, community persons/ SMC, and Education Offices, etc. The action research will cover the following beneficiaries -
- Children with disabilities in the LCs.
- Children without disabilities in the LCs
- Caregivers / Parents
- Volunteers
- Teachers / Facilitators
- Community peoples / SMC
- Implementing partners’ representatives,
- HI’s representatives
- Upazila Government Education Office(s)
- (As per need the stakeholders may be increased)
Literature Review:
The following documents will be reviewed:
Project proposal
- Attendance registers of learners
- Individualized Education Plan of children with disabilities.
- Programme Document
Timeline and Action Plan:
The assignment will be for 50 days, starting from the signing of the contract. The following timetable will be followed:
- Develop the research proposal (design and define the research methodology)
- Develop an inception plan.
- Develop questionnaire/ checklists
- Develop Qualitative tools, techniques and appropriate guideline.
- Ensure data collectors are well trained;
- Data collection from the field (Camp 4, 10, 26, Kutupalong Registered Camp, Nayapara Registered Camp)
- Organize and monitor data collection.
- Data analysis and report writing
- Draft Report Submission
- Incorporation of feedback from HI and Unicef
- Final Report Submission
Roles & Responsibilities:
Responsibilities of HI:
- Review proposed tools and methodology and validate the tools as final.
- Participate in meetings (kick off meeting, interview of the consultants, inception meeting, etc.).
- Support in recruitment of the consultants (constitute the review committee).
- Review the draft report and provide inputs.
- Validate the final report based on the HI quality checklist attached in annexes.
- Ensure that implementation complies with administrative, temporal and financial conditions.
- Communicate and mobilize the stakeholders about the study.
- Plan the agenda with stakeholders and beneficiaries as soon as the plan will be elaborate.
- If needed will support to get RRRC permission for camp access
- Guide on financial aspects of the project.
- Made the payment to the consultant as per the agreed instalments as well the terms and condition.
- Participate in the conception of the data collection tools.
- Participate in the conception of the tools analysis (what are the needs, the relevant infographics etc.).
- Participate in the review and feedback of the data collection tools.
- Review and provide feedback on the research report.
- Participate in implementation the recommendations of the action research.
- Conduct meeting with consultant and mobilize plan and execution.
- Support in designing and defining the research methodology.
- Support in develop/adapt data collection tools.
- Recruit the consultant/firms and supervise their activities.
- Monitor the data collection and quality of data collection.
- Review the analysis and feedback on the report.
- Oversee the entire action research.
Responsibilities of Consultant/Firms:
- Develop an inception report.
- Design and define the research methodology.
- Develop/adapt the data collection tools, techniques and appropriate guideline.
- Ensure data collectors are well trained;
- Collect quantitative and qualitative data
- Organize and monitor data collection.
- Conduct data compilation and analysis.
- Write the research report and finalize the report by meeting HI feedback.
- Submit the final research report to HI addressing all feedback and comments.
Ethical Consideration:
- Ensuring due consent in written from the participants and related authority before any interview and capturing photos & videos;
- Child safeguarding and gender sensitivity as well as high level of sensibility to persons/ children with/ without disabilities.
- Maintaining the high level of confidentiality of the data and information.
- The consulting firm will only share the information and related data with HI.
Qualification and Experience of the Consultant/s:
The consultants should have expertise and experience in conducting action research (qualitative and quantitative research). The consultants should have the following academic qualification and experiences:
- PhD Degree in Education/ Social Sciences or any other development field with a minimum of 3-5 years of experience in undertaking similar research; or a candidate with Master in Education/ Social Science field with 5-10 years’ experience.
- Consultant/s should have a comprehensive understanding of the development of the research tools, data analysis and analytical report writing skills.
- Experience of refugee and disability sector related work would be an added advantage. Should have good written and verbal communication skills in both English and Bangla.
- Previous experience working with children / persons with disabilities.
- Any short / long course on Disability and Inclusive Education will be added value.
- Having experience to conduct study/ research in emergency context will be added value.
Termination of the Agreement:
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) will terminate this agreement if one of the following situations arises:
- The consultant/s has breached the provisions of this agreement in any respect, including failure to provide services as per the requirements of the agreement.
- The consultant/s has committed fraud, misappropriation in connection with the HI business.
- The consultant/s shall be able to terminate this agreement if the HI (the purchaser) substantively changes the expectations of the agreement without negotiation with the consultant or without amendment of the budget.
Payment Method:
HI will make payment via bank after submitting the final report/ deliverables. The payment will be made in three (3) installments as mentioned below. Vat and tax will be deducted from the source at the time of payment as per the government rules.
- 1st Installment 30% of the total value, After acceptance of the study proposal
- 2nd Installment 30% of the total value, After submission of the first draft report
- 3rd and last Installment 40% of the total value, After submission of the final report
Comparative Evaluation:
Selection criteria for applications meeting administrative and technical minimum requirements are as follow. (Based on the score the shortlisted participants can be interviewed based on the working ground mentioned above).
- Price- 30 % Weight
- Qualification – 70% weight
- 20% Experience in different set WGQ (Washington Group Questions) or CFM (Child Functioning Module) using in MEAL system-
Have Supporting documents showing experience on WGQ and CFM - Child function Module - 20
Have Supporting documents showing experience on 2 of these 3 methods - 15
Have Supporting documents showing experience on 1 of these 3 methods -10
- 20% Experiences in conducting assessments and undertaking data collection on disability inclusive education.
Have 4 or more Supporting documents showing this experience – 20
Have 3 Supporting documents showing this experience -15
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience -10
Have 1 Supporting documents showing this experience 5
- 10% Experience in developing details assessment report regarding disability and inclusive education.
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience -10
Have 1 Supporting documents showing this experience 5
- 10% Experience and knowledge on Disability and Inclusive Education.
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience -10
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience - 5
- 10% Experience and knowledge on emergency and Humanitarian sector
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience & 1 in Cox’sBzar Rohingya Camps -10
Have 2 Supporting documents showing this experience but no experience working in Rohingya Camps- 5
Have 1 Supporting documents showing this experience at anywhere in Bangladesh – 5
You can also download the Full ToR from Here
How to Apply:
Information requirements for submitting the Expression of Interest/Application Process
If you are interested in applying to undertake this action research, we look forward to hearing from you and receiving your Expression of Interest. For the Expression of Interest, please e-mail us with following documents –
- Technical proposal
- Financial proposal
- You and the team members’ CV mentioning with your relevant expertise and experiences of conducting research.
Also Need to Ensure:
- Interested applicant(s) should email Cover letter and CV (maximum 4 pages; with references), VAT & TIN Registration Copy, NID copy.
- If it is company then need to share the profile(s) and documentation of legal status, and registration as a Company (Trade License)
- Bank Solvency Certificate (For both either company or individual) – Optional
- Insurance certificate (For both either company or individual)- Optional
- Applicants must have to share technical & financial offer technical proposal (maximum 10 pages) including the proposed methodologies and proposed schedule
- Applicants will have to share documents showing their experience on the filed mentioned above
- The financial proposal should cover all the necessary costs
- Quoted price must be including VAT & TAX following the govt rule. If there is any amount which will be excluding vat & tax it should be shown with necessary breakdown.
- Payment Condition should be clearly mentioned on the financial offer
- Bank details: name of the account, Bank name, branch, swift code etc.
- Proposal must be submitted in BDT
- Consultants that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest by 21/01/2023 (11.59 PM)
Applications that do not include the above will be considered administratively non-compliant and will not be evaluated further
Physical Bid Submission addresses:
- Proposals to be submitted to Handicap International Cox’sBazar Site office, Sayeman Heritage Residence, Building-2, Floor-2, Sayemna Road , Cox’sBazar
- The envelope should clearly indicate the Invitation to tender reference as per below:
“Access and participation of children with disabilities in educational settings in the Rohingya Camp Context in Cox’s Bazar.”
All documentation submitted should be done in their own clearly labeled envelopes (e.g., technical proposal, financial proposal, Legal Documents etc.), which are submitted in one single envelope as detailed above.
Online Bid Submission addresses:
Send a digital file in the form of an email* sent to the dedicated email address: ; with the tender reference “Access and participation of children with disabilities in educational settings in the Rohingya Camp Context in Cox’s Bazar.” in the subject).
*If the file is too big to fit into 1 email (limit 15MB per email), bidder should split the submission into multiple emails. Please include numbering also in the subject.
HI is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm. All consultants will be expected to comply with the child Protection and other Policies. Applicants for this position will be assessed regarding their suitability to work with children and vulnerable adults.