
Home-based: Trauma-Informed Care Specialist – Mukti South Asia Project

Trauma-Informed Care Specialist – Mukti South Asia Project

September 2023- December 2024 (approx. 15-20 working days)

Organisational Context: 

ECPAT International is a global network of organisations working together for the elimination of the sexual exploitation of children in all its manifestations i.e. exploitation of children in prostitution, online child sexual exploitation, sale and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and some forms of child, early and forced marriage. The ECPAT Network currently consists of 126 members working at national and local levels in 104 countries. The ECPAT Secretariat coordinates the global work of ECPAT and is based in Bangkok, Thailand.


With funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Tranfficking in Persons, a cohort of organisations, led by ECPAT Luxembourg is implementing the MUKTI South Asia project in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. The project aims to strengthen anti-trafficking responses by addressing critical shortcomings in protection for victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The project engages with a variety of different entities and organisations – including government, civil society, frontline workers, etc. - at multiple levels to strengthen the capacities and knowledge to coordinate efficiently to protect and care for survivors of trafficking of children for sexual purposes.

In the context of the Mukti South Asia project, ECPAT International, as one of the project partners, aims to contribute to improved care of survivors of trafficking for sexual purposes during childhood through trauma-informed practices building on the lived experiences of survivors and the realities of service providers in the target countries.

ECPAT International will be responsible for primary research aimed at assessing the quality, availability and usefulness of support services for victims and survivors of trafficking of children for sexual purposes. The methodologies to be used draw from ECPAT’s solid research experience of surveying frontline workers and conducting carefully designed conversations with young people who have experienced sexual exploitation and abuse(link is external). Information collected from survivors and frontline workers are aimed at informing services’ planning and provision. Promoting the voices and perspectives of victims of sexual exploitation is also a strategic objective of ECPAT International and a cross-cutting issue.

Objectives of the Consultancy: 

ECPAT International is seeking an experienced professional to support the preparation and implementation of the conversations with survivors across the three project countries.

The Consultant will collaborate with ECPAT Team to:

  1. Review existing training package and develop additional guidance and training sessions to strengthen trauma-informed practices in engaging with young survivors in the conversations on support services, to be conducted in three countries (estimated amount of work: 3-4 days). This would include to:
    • Develop training sessions for local facilitators who will facilitate the conversations, focusing mostly on using sound trauma-informed care practices within non-structured interviews
    • Develop session plans and tools for reviewing and contextualizing the methodology and tools with small groups of young people with relevant similar experiences
    • Develop brief guidance to strengthen and structure the introductory meetings with potential youth participants to the conversations’ approach, in order to build rapport, develop joint assessments of opportunities and risks and to adapt to the young person’s preferred approach (use of creative supporting tools or direct verbal conversation, etc).
  2. Develop guidance and the tools to support local facilitators in the assessment of the appropriate and psychological readiness of young survivors as potential participants in the research (1day).
  3. Facilitate online sessions with local facilitators on integrating key trauma-informed practices, ethics, safeguarding and support systems prior to the implementation of the research in each of the three countries (estimated 1 day per country) to ensure context relevant and sensitive approaches and deliver two online coaching sessions with local facilitators in each country to debrief and reflect on practices (total estimated 13 to 15 days).

Consultant Profile: 

Skills and Experience:

  • Similar consultancies involving participatory children’s consultations and active engagement of children and youth on sensitive issues affecting their lives, sexual violence in particular.
  • Demonstrated experience in trauma-informed practices.
  • Professional facilitation including utilization of participatory tools and techniques to engage an audience of children/youth and facilitate shared decision making among the participants.
  • Social work, outreach, support to vulnerable communities, preferably working with child sexual exploitation and abuse.
  • Experience working with young people, especially victims of child sexual exploitation
  • Experience mentoring professionals in different contexts and developing and delivering training online.


Strong knowledge of trauma-informed care, child sexual exploitation and abuse as well as ethical standards


  • Handle confidential data and information
  • Ensure safe and meaningful participation of survivors
  • Excellent English (writing and speaking) and an inquisitive mind set
  • Experienced and comfortable in collaborating with a broad range of people from different cultures


6 October 20223: 

  • Adapt pre-existent tools and guidance documentation for conversations with survivors of trafficking of children for sexual purposes and develop additional sessions plans and tools for engagement with young people

1st country: October-November 2023 / 2nd Country: February 2024 / 3rd Country: April 2024: 

  • Facilitate online sessions for each country (estimated two half-day sessions per country)

Within 3 months of the delivery on online preparation sessions in each country: 

  • Online coaching for local facilitators to support reflective practice in the assessment of the appropriateness and psychological readiness of potential participants and implementation of the conversations


It is expected that this consultancy will require between 15 and maximum 20 working days from September 2023 to July 2025.

Management and Reporting Arrangements: 

The consultant will report to the Research and Child Rights Monitoring at ECPAT International, and work in close collaboration with other members of the ECPAT team.

Additional Information: 

  • This is a home-based position; the consultant(s) will work from home or own office but should be available online for pre-arranged meetings with the ECPAT’s team in Bangkok, Regional Coordinator for South Asia in Nepal and for the remote sessions with local facilitators.
  • The contracted candidate is expected to act at all times in a manner consistent with the values of ECPAT International and in compliance with the organisation’s policies and procedures including Child Safeguarding Policy and the Staff Code of Conduct.

How to Apply: 

Please send your expression of interest to

  • CV
  • Daily fee in USD

Deadline: please submit your expression of interest no later than 5 September 2023.

ECPAT International
Type of work