Home-based: Review and Documentation of the SCN Climate Programme Initiative 2022-2024
Terms of Reference:
One of the four strategic priorities for Save the Children Norway (SCN) for 2022-24 is to protect children against the effects of climate change and environmental destruction, as well as support children in their fight against climate change. To support a strategic uplift of our international programming in this field, it was decided to form an internal task team and allocate seed funding to support new programme initiatives linked to climate change and the environment. This led to the establishment of several pilot projects across different sectors and regions, focusing on climate change and child rights, with the aim of supporting local initiatives, generating knowledge and experience in environment and climate programming, and establishing a foundation for climate programming for the country offices to build on to.
Purpose of the Review and Documentation:
SCN is seeking a consultant to review the pilot documentation and interview stakeholders. The aim is to produce an analysis that captures results and effects, stakeholders'; experiences and highlights the key lessons learnt from each pilot project. The review should showcase good practice and SCN's increasing engagement in environment and climate change. It should also include relevant programme guidance, resource, or tool produced as part of the pilot projects to be shared and made available across Save the Children.
The report should include the following:
- a) A narrative description of each pilot project, including a summary of effects and
results achieved. - b) A summary of important experiences and lessons learnt from the individual pilot
project, as well as across the initiative, to inform future climate and environment
programming. The summary must be communication-friendly and have a nice layout
with illustrations/ pictures. - c) A list of key resources or tools from the pilot projects, including links to the
- Desk Study of existing documentation of the pilot projects.
- Online interviews/meetings with Save the Children Country Office team members and
local partners. - Interviews/Meetings with SCN team members.
Report Structure:
- Background
- Purpose
- Thematic chapters
- Environmental Education- Green Generation. Description of the different Green Generation pilot projects (Cambodia, Guatemala, OPT, Syria, Lebanon)
- Climate and youth/children participation (Mozambique, Egypt)
- Green jobs (Nepal)
- Indigenous Knowledge/ Locally Led Adaptation (Colombia)
- Climate Advocacy (Mozambique, Egypt ++)
- Key Lessons learnt and experience- recommendations for future climate and environment programme development.
Organisation, Roles, and Responsibilities:
Criteria for external consultant:
- Experience with international programme development work
- Understanding/ knowledge about climate and environment programming
- Good communication and knowledge dissemination skills
SCN will provide access to all relevant documents and data on the climate and environment pilot projects, as well as other relevant reference documents.
The SCN Climate Advisor will be the focal point for the consultant and connect the consultant to the relevant team members in SCN and at the country office level.
A draft report and a summary report will be shared with SCN for review, and a revised version will be produced based on inputs from SCN.
- A final report describing the climate pilot projects, highlighting effects and results,
experiences and lessons learnt. - Four pager communication friendly summary report.
- PowerPoint deck presenting key findings and a presentation at SCN.
- Resource library of all the tools and materials developed through the pilots.
Estimated ten days of work.
The deliverables due by December 15, 2024.
Item / Date (tentative) / Responsible
- Application Deadline / June 14, 2024,
- Review of Applications / Week 25 / SCN
- Applicant Interviews / Week / 26 / SCN
- Share documents and Teams channel / Week 33 / SCN
- Online interviews with relevant people and desk review of documents / Weeks 34-36 / Consultant
- Draft report to SCN for review / Week 37 / Consultant - SCN
- Final report and presentation / December 15, 2024 / Consultant
How to Apply:
- CV
- Project and financial proposal.
Visit Redd Barn to apply: https://www.reddbarna.no/ledige-stillinger/.