Jordan: Human Rights Trainer for Civil Society Organizations and Jordan Association For Boys and Girls Scouts & Guides
Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organization committed to ensuring children live a life free of poverty, violence, and injustice. We actively unite children, communities, and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children in gaining the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future. We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries. Plan International Jordan was established in 2016 and has programs throughout the country on education, youth empowerment, and protection in Amman, Karak, Jarash, and Azraq camps. Plan’s Global Gender Equality and Inclusion policy states that the core objectives of Plan International’s work are to achieve gender equality, promote gender justice, realize their rights, fostering an inclusive society. This commitment is reflected in our five-year country strategy, our Values, and Behaviours Framework, and our Theory of Change.
We aim to:
- confront and challenge discrimination and human rights violations based on gender. This includes gender-based violence and other forms of exclusion.
- challenge stereotypes and unequal power relations between women, men, boys, and girls to promote gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion.
- foster an organizational culture that embraces and exemplifies our commitment to gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion, while supporting staff to adopt good practices, positive attitudes, and the principles of gender equality and inclusion.
Project Background:
The She Leads project is designed to contribute to the institutionalization of meaningful participation with the influence of the Girls and Young Women (GYW) in both formal and informal institutions. With this project, the aim is to realize the development goals and the gender-focused commitments of Jordan, including UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 5: “achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.” Therefore, through the She Leads project, Plan International’s work is focused on an inclusive setting offering all people from the GYW to participate in a diverse environment regardless of their (religion, nationality, ethnicity, color, etc.). this 5-year this project, aims to: 1) promote positive social norms in Jordan to unlock girls' and young women’s potential, 2)enable the civil society in Jordan to implement gender-sensitive programming and promote meaningful participation of GYW, and 3)the ambition is for the national legislative environment to adopt a gender-sensitive approach by 2025. through the She Lead project, Plan International’s efforts are aligned with Jordan’s commitments to reforming the public sector and integrating equal opportunities based on non-discrimination principles. Additionally, efforts will be coordinated along with the existing projects of the Dutch Embassy, specifically those related to gender questions and women’s rights, ensuring the maximum level of connection and synergy. The She Leads program is a strategic partnership (consortium) that includes INGOs, national institutions, and civil society organizations and is part of a global/regional program that advocates for girls’ and young women’s rights.
In Jordan, the She Lead project will principally target the following groups:
- Adolescent girls and boys aged 10 – 17 (including vulnerable Jordanians as well as refugees)
- Young women and men aged 18 – 35 (including vulnerable Jordanians as well as refugees)
- Early married girls and young women
- Girls and young women with disabilities
- Girls going to schools and girls that have dropped out of the school for various reasons
- GYW in universities
Objectives of the Assignment:
This assignment aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge to advance human rights to the scouts’ leaders (25 years old – 50 years old) about human rights concepts, characteristics and principles of human rights, international standards, the role of civil society organizations, and official bodies in protecting human rights, international convents, and the universal declaration of Human rights. This understanding will be enhanced the scouts’ leaders’ ability to transfer the knowledge to the scouts’ girls and young women.
The specific objectives of the assignment:
- Provide an overall theoretical and practical knowledge and information on the HRBA and the human rights standards and mechanisms.
- Introduce Human rights concepts, mechanisms, and standards to enable participants to cascade the knowledge to smaller networks and groups.
- Provide a theoretical framework based on internationally accepted human rights and principles to enable participants to analyze the situation in their country.
- Enable participants in integrating the Human rights-based approach into their work, and identify the strategies that will support for integration of HRBA into their work.
- Develop a toolkit/ Guideline and presentation on the given material so that Scouts leaders be able to transfer the knowledge smoothly for Scouts’ GYW.
Expected Deliverables:
The trainer is expected to deliver educational expertise in the Arabic language to the participants and engage as a facilitator in preparing, facilitating, implementing, and evaluating the activities carried out during the training. In the course of the training period, the facilitator will prepare and implement the program of the activity and outlines of working sessions in cooperation with She Leads project Manager. And the following deliverables are expected:
- Draft an outline for the assignment and explain the proposed methodology for achieving the above-mentioned objectives along with tentative agenda.
- Develop a detailed work plan for the full period of the assignment along with a sample of pre-post assessments on the technical part of the training.
- Provide written training material to plan international.
- Provide guidelines of the material and a follow up plan for trainees.
- Submit a final report after the training to highlight successes, challenges, recommendations, and areas of improvement based on the pre-post assessment.
Duration and Timeline:
The work should commence immediately after the consultant signs a contractual agreement with Plan International Jordan. The consultant is expected to design the work plan for the assignment and submit it within 3 working days after signing the contract. The trainer is expected to be engaged in one “Human rights” training for a total of 2 days. Under the supervision of the project manager the assignment should be 5 days delivering the following sub-assignments:
- Preparation and designing of the training in consultation with the project manager/ First of February
- Delivering the human rights training to the targeted group/ 7-8 February
- Submitting the report along with the pre-post assessment results/ 12th of February
- Develop a toolkit/ Guideline and presentation on the given material so that Scouts leaders be able to transfer the knowledge smoothly for Scouts’ GYW/ 13 – 15 February
Consultant Required Skills and Experience:
- Proven professional record in conducting similar assignments and achieving expected results.
- Excellent communication and writing skills in both English and Arabic;
- adequate exposure and experience to similar areas of human rights, GYW, and child rights programming.
- Has carried out at least two similar consultancy contracts around the same core subject areas.
- Over 5-8 years of professional experience
The payment will be due in full upon approval of the final report to be submitted in narrative form both in hard and soft copy in English and Arabic.
Specific Conditions:
- Accommodation and transportation for the Consultant will be provided by Plan International.
- Plan International Safety and security guidelines should be strictly followed throughout the activity;
- The copyright of the developed material becomes the property of Plan International.
Ethical and Child Protection Considerations:
The assignment will require the consultant to interact with children and therefore the consultant is required to provide a statement on the respect and protection of child rights, human rights, and dignity of participants compliant with Plan’s Child Protection Policy.
The consultant shall read and sign Plan’s child protection policy (CPP) as fully understood and in agreement to in all respects and shall follow this in all and every respect during the term of the consultancy.
The consultant must follow Ethical Principles in research and obtain written/verbal consent from the subjects. Permission from elders should be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/her parents need to be taken after explaining the purpose of the study. All applicants should submit their ethical and protection considerations and policies. The consultant shall explain how appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other groups.
COVID-19 Measures:
- The consultant agrees to follow the national Sectors Reopening Plan and all government regulations concerning the outbreak of COVID-19 in Jordan
As part of his/her application, the consultant should set out a plan on how to conduct the activities / achieve the outcomes if government restrictions become more severe, due to a rise in confirmed cases in Jordan.
How to Apply:
Interested consultants, please submit their CVs, brief concept notes explaining the training methodology along with tentative agenda and a pre-post knowledge questionnaire to the following email address: no later than 17th Jan 2023
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