Compendium of Resources for Family and Caregiving Strengthening in Humanitarian Settings

The Family Strengthening Task Force is pleased to present this Compendium of Family and Caregiver Strengthening Interventions and Tools!
As defined in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2019), family and caregiving strengthening aims to promote children’s healthy development and to protect them from maltreatment and other negative effects of adversity.
This collection of interventions and tools is designed to offer family strengthening resources for supporting families in humanitarian settings. Resources range from programming interventions and campaigns to evaluation tools and evidence reviews and covers multiple sectors including child protection, gender-based violence, mental health and psychosocial support, education, and nutrition. The information provided here comes from a range of publicly available sources and is subject to change.
Coming Soon! The full compendium will be accessible through an interactive web page on the Alliance website to enable sorting in terms of agencies and type of intervention.
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