Opportunités d'emploi

Home-based: Event Producer for the 2025 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Virtual)


1.1 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: 

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is a global network of operational agencies, academic institutions, policymakers, donors and practitioners that facilitates inter-agency technical collaboration on child protection in all humanitarian contexts. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) leads the Alliance with two rotating NGOs, currently International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Hurras Network. The Alliance has over 260 general members and 18 core members. The Alliance sets standards and produces technical guidance for use by the various stakeholders, particularly practitioners. Its mission is to support the achievement of high-quality and effective child protection interventions in humanitarian contexts, in both refugee and non-refugee settings. 

The Alliance produces technical guidance, minimum standards, advocacy assets, best practices, and other technical materials in relation to protecting children in humanitarian settings. The Alliance also hosts the Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Annual Meeting). This event is an opportunity for Child Protection actors to come together and exchange knowledge and experience, while networking with peers, other agencies, academics, policy makers and donors.

The Annual Meeting represents a forum where important themes can be discussed together, and ways forward can be developed. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance changed its meeting from a face-to-face to a virtual format. In October 2020, October 2021, June 2022, and June 2023 the Alliance hosted the virtual Annual Meeting on the topic of the topic “Infectious Disease Outbreaks and the Protection of Children”, “Preventing Harm to Children”, “Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability, Localisation and Working Across Sectors”, and “Children and their Protection at the Centre of Humanitarian Action: Research, Policy, and Practice”. In 2024, the Alliance returned to holding the meeting face-to-face, following a decision to hold it face-to-face in an operational region and online on alternating years to enable a range of actors to participate and due to environmental considerations.

1.2 Overview of Past Events: 

Reports from previous years are available on the Alliance website (for example, see the 2024 report). The last virtual Annual Meeting in 2023 saw: 

  • Over 2,500 participants register for the event.
  • Over 900 participants from 386 unique organisation joining one of the events online over the course of the week.
  • The live stream on the Alliance LinkedIn page, Facebook page and YouTube channel engaged 446 participants on these platforms during the meeting. 4 months after the Annual Meeting, these recordings had received over 9,000 views. 

The 2025 meeting will likely be designed as  approximately 4-days of online events, potentially spread over two weeks, in June 2025 (specific dates to be confirmed between 2 - 13 June). The event will provide participants with the opportunity to engage in discussions and networking. A call for abstracts was launched in December 2024 for practitioners, policy-makers, and advocates to submit ideas for short presentations, or in-depth sessions. Typically we receive over 80 abstracts and shape a selection, alongside other content, into  around 30 hours of sessions.


2.1 Objective: 

The Alliance is seeking support of an organisation or consultant(s) with experience in producing large virtual events. They will be engaged to organise the technical set-up and production of the virtual sessions during the 2025 Annual Meeting. The producers will work closely with the Alliance Secretariat team and support the Alliance in its efforts on preparing, organising, and producing this virtual event. The virtual event will be hosted on Zoom and the majority of sessions will run in the Central European Time time zone.

2.3 Key Expected Activities: 

Preparation Phase: 

  • Advise on a system for online participant registration and attendance / logistics
  • Support the design of any networking / side events as needed
  • Help the Alliance to draft and share the meeting agenda and tools  
  • Collaborate with the Alliance on any needed contingency plans
  • Carry out test runs with all presenters ahead of time to identify any connectivity or other issues, and being sensitive to issues of diversity and inclusion
  • Collaborate with the Alliance to prepare and populate a detailed schedule for any external support people, such as interpreters, and facilitators that will operate as a step-by-step guide for all the meetings throughout the week
  • Help set-up and test live streaming of key sessions over the Alliance social media platforms
  • Brief fellow producers and interpreters with support from the Alliance Secretariat

During the Annual Meeting: 

  • Lead the production of all sessions during the event so that they run smoothly and facilitators and speakers can focus on the content
  • Support the facilitation team with transitions between and across all sessions, including breakout sessions
  • Support  with troubleshooting for any technical or connectivity issues, including ensuring interpretation and live streaming services are working adequately
  • Remotely join the daily debriefs of the facilitation team to support troubleshooting
  • Ensure recording of the event and share recordings in a timely manner
  • Coordinate with interpreters to ensure that they receive necessary session information on session content ahead of time, and know where they need to be and when.

After the Annual Meeting: 

  • Attend post event debrief
  • Share any recordings of Annual Meeting session (with titles, session name in order)

2.3 Process: 

The first point of contact for the consultant(s) will be the Secretariat of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.

Suggested timeline: April 1st, 2025, to June 30th, 2025. 


3.1 Required Experience and Skills: 

  • Experience in producing  participatory virtual events on Zoom
  • A commitment to and aptitude for attention to details
  • Ability to work well and punctually under pressure
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to successfully interact with a diverse group of people across multiple time zones
  • Flexible work attitude, with the ability to follow direction, take initiative and work independently as needed
  • Excellent organisational skills, with the ability to independently track and follow-up on various tasks
  • Collaborative work style, with strong team-player attitude and ability to identify gaps and to take initiative to fill them.

3.1.1 Desirable: 

  • Experience in supporting events that create an environment for networking and community building
  • Ability to advise on participant registration processes from invitation design to registration and successfully entering the event
  • Prior experience with global, multi-lingual, large events
  • Proven track record of producing  large scale virtual  events, similar to this Annual
  • Meeting (especially experiences of organising multiple-day conferences with UN, NGOs and other service providers and advocates)
  • Familiarity with the humanitarian sector and child protection sector

3.2 Proposal Requirements: 

Please Provide: 

  • Information about your proposed approach and methodology including: how the event would be produced, and suggestions for how it could be managed that align with the key expected activities.
  • A covering letter outlining how the organisation/consultant(s) meet the required skills and experience.  This should include an example of producing similar large-scale/multiple-day virtual conferences/events.
  • A CV for all key members of the team that will work on the project (if more than one) and indicating who will be the lead producer, as well as any limitations to availability.
  • A detailed work plan and delivery timeframes of all activities and tasks proposed (max 3 pages) which can build upon the timeline below.    
  • A detailed breakdown of your proposed fees for this assignment including any envisaged expenses. Budget should outline the costs associated with major tasks, any support staff, or any subcontractors you propose we work with.


  • Mid-March - April 2025:
    • Introduction to the Annual Meeting and Alliance event production
    • Support in finalising meeting agenda and tools, including inputs on methods for engagement of online participants
    • Sending abstract confirmations
  • April 2025:
    • Connecting speakers, facilitators and focal points
    • Research and setup system for online registration
    • Support in drafting Admin Note featuring online instructions on how to register
    • Ensure prep meetings take place between facilitators and speakers
  • May 2025:
    • Ensure draft production plans and content are submitted
    • Provide feedback on session plans
    • Collect names, emails & WhatsApp numbers for all facilitators/session organisers & create WhatsApp groups
    • Ensure finalised session plans and presentations are submitted and compatible with what is envisioned/possible
  • June 2025 (during meeting):
    • Lead the production of all sessions (in teams of 2)
    • Support the facilitation team with transitions between and across all session including breakout rooms
    • Troubleshoot any technical issues
    • Ensure recording and live streaming of the event and share recordings in a timely manner
    • Coordinate with interpreters for all sessions

How to Apply:

To apply, please send your Proposal (with the above requirements) by 10 February 2025 to knowledge.management@alliancecpha.org(link sends email). Use the subject line: “Event Producer Proposal - [Your Name].

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified in early March with details about the interview process. 

The Alliance for Child Protection and Humanitarian Action
Proteknôn Foundation
Type of work