Technical Materials

The Alliance is committed to developing standards and materials covering all areas related to child protection in humanitarian action and generating technical guidelines for use by humanitarian actors. The Alliance is also the custodian of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, which is considered a companion to the Sphere standards.


Child Labour Tool | Safety Planning

Safety planning is part of the case management process and is a tool for both the child and the case worker to keep the child safe from harm. During the initial assessment of the child’s situation, the case worker will have determined if the child is safe or not. If during the assessment it is...

Child Labour Tool | Signs of Child Labour

A number of signals can indicate that children are involved in child labour or the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) such as forms of slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, or trafficking. A child can display one or multiple signs. Sometimes humanitarian actors may suspect that something is not...

Child Labour Tool | Supporting At-Risk Children and Empowering Girls

This tool provides additional guidance on promoting inclusive humanitarian action with and for working children and adolescents who are in or at risk of child labour/WFCL, with specific attention to girls.

Child Labour Tool | What We Need to Know About Child Labour

This tool – What We Need To Know (WWNK) – presents the pieces of information that we need to know about the child labour situation, in order to plan for a strategic response. It provides a framework for situation analysis, including secondary data review (SDR) and primary data collection.

Child Labour Tools | Child Labour Information Sources

This tool contians several child labour data sources for you to explore.

Report | Capacity Needs and Gaps Analysis: CAAFAG Programming

The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is implementing an interagency project with the aim to strengthen the capacities of field practitioners to design and implement programs related to the prevention of child recruitment, the release and the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed...

Child Labour Case Study | Addressing Child Labour at Distribution Sites in Gaza

This case study describes how UNRWA addressed child labour issues at distribution centres in Gaza through an integrated education, economic-strengthening and protection project.

Child Labour Case Study | Centre-Based Services and Cash Assistance to Address Child Labour in Turkey

This case study describes a new approach to centre-based services and cash assistance to address child labour in Turkey.

Child Labour Case Study | Child Labour Guidance and Tools for Labour Inspectors in Jordan

This case study describes how child labour guidance and tools improved child labour law enforcement in Jordan.

Child Labour Case Study | Child-Centred Multi-Risk Assessments and Child Labour

In disaster, conflict and other crisis situations children are often exposed to new risks or exacerbated threats, such as physical violence, family separation and child labour. While child protection actors place a strong focus on understanding and mitigating the numerous child protection risks...

Child Labour Case Study | Community-based care and mentoring for adolescent girls in domestic labour in Burkina Faso

This case study describes an innovative approach to care and mentoring support for adolescent girls in domestic labour in Burkina Faso.

Child Labour Case Study | Conditional Cash Programming to Address Child Labour and Promote Education in Turkey

This case study describes how conditional cash assistance was used to promote education as an alternative for child labour among Syrian refugee children and vulnerable Turkish children in Şanlıurfa province in Turkey.

Child Labour Case Study | Guidance on hazardous child labour in agricultural production in Niger

This case study describes how agricultural actors in Niger collaborated to address hazardous child labour in agriculture.

Child Labour Case Study | Holistic Programming for Homebound and Working Children in Urban Areas in Jordan

This case study describes a holistic, community-level approach to supporting children in, and at risk of child labour in urban areas of Amman, Jordan.

Child Labour Case Study | Integrated Child Protection, WASH and Cash-for-Work to Address Child Labour Among Adolescents in Syria

This case study describes how an integrated protection, WASH and case assistance project aimed to prevent and respond to child labour among adolescents in Syria.

Child Labour Case Study | Integrating Child Labour into Humanitarian Needs Assessments

This case study describes (i) how child labour has been integrated into (multi-sector) humanitarian needs assessments in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and the Philippines and (ii) the main challenges and lessons learned.

Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour in Agriculture: Comparing Approaches to In-Depth Assessment

This case study compares two approaches to in-depth child labour assessment in Lebanon and describes the main lessons learned.

Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour Through Household Surveys in Lebanon

This case study describes how measuring child labour has been integrated into national household surveys in Lebanon. It describes both common and speci c challenges to each survey, as well as key lessons learned.

Child Labour Case Study | Mobile Child-Friendly Spaces for Working Children and Home-Bound Girls in Jordan

This case study describes how mobile child-friendly spaces supported children in child labour and home-bound girls in vulnerable communities in Jordan.

Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for Children in Child Labour and their Families in Jordan

This case study describes a multi-sectoral and multi-level approach to addressing child labour in urban and semi-urban areas in Jordan.

Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for Street and Working Children in Lebanon

This case study describes (i) a comprehensive approach to service provision for children living and working on the streets in Lebanon and (ii) the main lessons learned and effective approaches of the programme.

Child Labour Case Study | Promoting Education to Prevent Child Labour Among Adolescent Girls in Lebanon

This case study describes how tailored education and psychosocial support for at-risk Syrian and Lebanese adolescent girls has helped to prevent child labour.

Child Labour Case Study | Regional Child Labour Strategy for the Syria Crisis

This case study describes lessons learned from the inter-agency process of developing a regional child labour strategy covering Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, in response to the rising levels of child labour resulting from the war in Syria.

Child Labour Case Study | Standard Operating Procedures for Addressing Child Labour Risks at Distribution Sites in Za'atari Camp, Jordan

This case study describes a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed in Jordan to prevent child labour and identify at-risk children during distributions.

Child Labour Case Study | Supporting Children in Child Labour Through Child-Friendly Spaces in Myanmar

This case study describes how child-friendly spaces provided holistic (prevention) activities and psychosocial support for children in child labour in Rakhine State, Myanmar.