Latest at the alliance

Thank you for another successful Annual Meeting!

The Alliance

This past 4-8 October, the Alliance held its Annual Meeting. The theme was “Preventing Harm to Children”. 679 unique users participated to the online event. During the week, we had the opportunity to hear from 43 presentations from CP practitioners, academics, etc.

The Alliance Strategic Plan 2021-2025 was released and presented for the first time during this meeting. We had an opening panel to explore the central goal of the Strategy: Centrality of children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action. This was followed by a series of sessions to discuss the strategic priorities in more detail. A wide array of external partners from the CP sector and beyond were invited to support these sessions.

We also had a very inspiring day on the Climate Crisis, Climate Justice and Child Protection, veiw the recording(le lien est externe) and the blog post for our session on The Climate Crisis, Climate Justice and Child Protection: Good Practice from the Field! 

In case you missed it! Were you not able to attend the Annual Meeting? Check-out the recordings for ALL sessions in the live recordings playlist(le lien est externe) on the Alliance YouTube Channel!