COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Forcibly Displaced Children
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles), with the purpose to identify emerging child protection risks, responses, and apparent resource gaps. Each evidence synthesis analyses a different topic related to child protection during COVID-19.
The purpose of this evidence synthesis is to analyze the primary and secondary impacts of the pandemic on children who are refugees, IDPs and/or migrants and highlights important protective factors and emerging response measures identified in a review of recent news media, project reporting, academic research and other relevant resources mapped over the previous five-month period. The rest of this synthesis is organized in the following way: we illustrate child participation barriers and opportunities by using examples from select articles and research studies, discuss key emerging practices in the information identified, and conclude with reflections and recommendations on more effectively responding to the needs of refugee, IDP and forced migrant children during COVID-19.
Find the full set of resources and articles on key CPMS Standards and topics around child protection and COVID-19 in the COVID-19 Resource Tracker.