Cash and Child Protection Task Force

Led by: Plan International and Save the Children

Contact us at: 

Our Mission

To document evidence on the impact and effectiveness of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) on child protection in emergencies, its potential for wider use and impact, and its risks for improving CVA and child protection policy and practice in emergencies, and to support child protection and cash assistance practitioners with tools and approaches to design, implement and monitor cash or voucher assistance programmes.

Key Priorities of the Cash and Child Protection Task Force

  • Evidence-based guidance and tools on cash and voucher assistance and child protection are available and accessible to child protection actors in humanitarian settings.
  • Humanitarian actors' knowledge and skills on the use of cash and vouchers for child protection are enhanced.
  • Generate evidence of the effectiveness of cash and voucher aid for child protection.


Technical Note | Livelihood Interventions for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) are often recruited and used due to economic risk factors. Providing livelihood interventions to CAAFAG and vulnerable children can be used to prevent children from being recruited and used by armed forces and armed groups and may encourage children’s exit from armed groups and armed forces and promote their reintegration...

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit | Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection for Adolescents

The Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection for Adolescents: A Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), child protection and adolescents programming. The toolkit is divided into two parts: Part 1 is comprised of two tools that are used as part of standard CVA programming. A Baseline Tool that can be used as both...

Designing Cash and Voucher Assistance to Achieve Child Protection Outcomes in Humanitarian Settings

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This guidance seeks to empower child protection actors so that they can integrate cash and voucher assistance into their programming. By enabling increased use of CVA within child protection responses we will be able to learn lessons on how best to design CVA that minimises risks and maximises protection outcomes for children, adolescents, and their families. It is also for those implementing Cash...

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

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What is the purpose of this tool? This tool gives guidance on providing cash and voucher assistance directly to children/adolescents who are unaccompanied or heading a household. Who is this tool for? This tool is for all actors using cash and voucher assistance as a form of intervention in humanitarian settings. It is recommended that those without child protection expertise involve child...

Toolkit | Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection When Using Cash and Voucher Assistance

The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection when using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CP and CVA M&E Toolkit) is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), and child protection. It aims to assess, address and monitor 1) Direct and indirect impact on child protection concerns – including, for example, child labour, separated or unaccompanied...

Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and Opportunities to Strengthen the Evidence

As prevalence of cash transfer programming in humanitarian response has grown, so too has the recognition that the child protection sector must learn how to use case transfer programs to achieve better results for children. This report summarizes the evidence for cash transfer programming and child protection in humanitarian contexts and recommends areas for action and further research. It...


Webinar | Introduction to the NEW Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is pleased to invite you to the launch of the Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit. This interactive webinar will introduce participants to the tools, include a case study on use of the tools and allow time for discussion. We hope to see Cash and Voucher Assistance...

Interactive Learning Webinar | Connecting Child Protection, Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash – Working Together to Protect Children from the Effects of COVID-19 and Beyond

Find the presentation from this webinar here. The benefits of social protection and humanitarian actors working together in different ways across the “nexus” is well-recognised. In order to address the wide range of needs (in the last year, often pandemic-related), and particularly those of a socio-economic nature, the use of cash has been the response of choice for governments expanding their...

Webinar | Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer and Child Protection: A Case Study (English and Spanish Editions)

The link to the English recording is here. For the Spanish version, click here. - The global Cash and Child Protection Task Force is pleased to announce a webinar (English/Spanish) to present a case study from Save the Children’s multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Colombia. In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented...

Webinar: Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Cash Transfer and Child Protection Task Force held a webinar on Tuesday, 16 Apr 2019, 11:00 - 12:00 (EST, New York), to discuss the newly released report, “ Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and Opportunities to Strengthen the Evidence”. The resources included in this webinar are: A link to the video presentation, The webinar Powerpoint slides, Plan...

Cash and Child Protection Task Force Leads

Anita Queirazza, Plan International

Roberta Gadler, Save the Children