Toolkit | Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection When Using Cash and Voucher Assistance
The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection when using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CP and CVA M&E Toolkit) is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), and child protection. It aims to assess, address and monitor 1) Direct and indirect impact on child protection concerns – including, for example, child labour, separated or unaccompanied children, or children at risk or experiencing harm; 2) Inequality and discrimination – intentionally or unintentionally excluding certain groups of children, including due to gender inequality; and 3) Child protection benefits associated with the introduction of CVA.
The Toolkit is comprised of three key tools:
- Tool 1: Focus group discussion tool to identify child protection benefits and risks before starting cash and voucher assistance.
- Tool 2: A survey tool for all humanitarian actors implementing cash and voucher assistance.
- Tool 3: A survey tool for child protection caseworkers.
Please look back in the coming weeks for Arabic, French and Spanish versions of the tools which are currently being finalised.