Interactive Learning Webinar | Connecting Child Protection, Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash – Working Together to Protect Children from the Effects of COVID-19 and Beyond
Find the presentation from this webinar here.
The benefits of social protection and humanitarian actors working together in different ways across the “nexus” is well-recognised. In order to address the wide range of needs (in the last year, often pandemic-related), and particularly those of a socio-economic nature, the use of cash has been the response of choice for governments expanding their social protection systems as well as for humanitarian actors in a range of sectors, including child protection.
This event, which will be interactive in nature, will provide the opportunity to hear from humanitarian and social protection actors as they share their experiences in linking child protection approaches with humanitarian cash interventions and social protection, drawing on the recent policy paper published by The Alliance for Children Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, and Save The Children. The initial discussion will see representatives from World Vision International, The Alliance, and Save the Children highlight:
- Policy and Coordination: How closer coordination between humanitarian and national systems can offer opportunities to address the rights of excluded and at-risk groups in the short and longer-term.
- Policy and Coordination: How close collaboration across Social Protection and Child Protection sectors can address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on children and families towards reduction of adverse Child Protection outcomes.
- Implementation: How cash transfers can address several different sectoral outcomes with relevance to child protection, including reducing monetary poverty, increasing women’s empowerment, and improving school enrolment and attendance, amongst other key outcomes, particularly when linked to other services and when efforts are made to address unequal gender norms and power dynamics.
- M&E: The importance of gathering sex, age, and disability related data.
- M&E: The need to study and analyse the key bottlenecks and accelerators to aligning social protection and child protection services in humanitarian and fragile contexts
The discussion will also address some of the challenges in bringing child protection and social protection together in a number of humanitarian contexts and illustrate practical ways in which the sectors can pull together to deliver greater results for children.
Following the initial discussion by agency experts, the audience will move into remote break-out rooms to briefly consider one or two critical questions in relation to child protection, social protection and humanitarian cash. They will then feed back their thoughts to the rest of the audience with the aim of continuing to share learning on this critical topic.
- Mr. Hani Mansourian, Coordinator, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
- Alison Sutton, Global Director Child Protection, Programme Quality and Impact, Save the Children
- Hushain Shakir, National Coordinator, Good Governance & Social Accountability, World Vision Bangladesh
- Dr. Kathryn Taetzsch, Global Director, Humanitarian Cash & Voucher Based Programming, World Vision International
Discussant/Facilitator: Laura Lee, COVID-19 Focal Point – The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action / Proteknon Group
Moderator: Lois Austin – GB Sub-Group KML Consultant
This webinar is part of the Linking Social Protection with humanitarian cash webinar series, of the Grand Bargain Cash Sub Group on linking social protection and humanitarian cash transfers co-led by UNICEF, IFRC, and FCDO.