Technical Materials

Theory of Change for Community-level Child Protection Programming in Humanitarian Action

Guiding Document and Graph
The Alliance

This Theory of Change (ToC) has been developed by the Community-level Child Protection (CCP) Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It is designed to build a common understanding amongst humanitarian agencies on the core
objective of CCP programming: ‘Reaching higher levels of community ownership for the protection of children in their communities in crisis settings’.

This ToC may be used by:

  • Technical Advisors of humanitarian agencies: to plan for or implement CCP programming to reach higher levels of community ownership for the protection of children in prevention and response programmes.
  • Humanitarian coordination groups led by the Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CPAoR), government or UNHCR: to inform strategies to engage communities in humanitarian action and facilitate discussions amongst members on higher levels of community ownership in child protection in humanitarian action (CPHA).
  • Management and policy makers: to advocate for buy-in and funding for programmes which facilitate higher levels of community ownership in CPHA.
Tipo de publicación
Advocacy Materials
Community-level child protection
Countries this relates to
Language of the materials