Annual meeting

THANK YOU to everyone who attended and participated in the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The 2022 Annual Meeting was held from the 20th to 22nd of June over a virtual platform and centred around discussions dedicated to: Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability, Localisation and Working Across Sectors.

Many participants from the recent 2022 Annual Meeting told us they planned to share their learning from the sessions with their teams and networks. However, there were also many interested colleagues around the world who couldn’t make it to the virtual meeting, or missed a session that interested them.    

With this in mind, we are very happy to share the recordings of the sessions in Arabic(link is external), English(link is external), French(link is external) and Spanish(link is external) on the Alliance YouTube Channel to keep the learning and conversations going. 

There are also great live drawings from the sessions available in English that present the information in a colourful and visual way. 

The Annual Meeting focused on accountability, localisation and working across sectors. It was an interactive space for practitioners from around the world to share their experiences, challenges and successes across these areas. It was also an important step, as the Alliance takes forward its strategy and develops a concrete and ambitious plan to promote the centrality of children and their protection.

In the words of one meeting participant...“Great speakers and some stimulating conversations – I think a discussion to continue.”

We thank everyone for their important efforts to support learning and discussion on these priorities, and their energies for the work to come!

Find the Annual Meeting Outputs and Key Materials Below: