Child Labour TF

Led By: Plan International and ILO

Contact us at: sends email)


Our Mission

To ensure practical coordination and collaboration amongst humanitarian responders and development actors at the global level to strengthen the quality and coordination of child labour preparedness, prevention and response actions in emergencies at country level.

The Task Force provides a platform to identify and seek to address common challenges in child labour in emergencies programming, providing a collective technical voice on child labour issues in emergencies for other core pieces of work such as humanitarian standard setting, inter-sectoral collaboration, and global advocacy and policy work related to child labour.

Key Priorities of the Child Labour Task Force

Technical Tools, Standards and Guidance:
  • Inter-agency Child Labour in Humanitarian Action Toolkit is available and disseminated at local, national, regional and global levels
Capacity Building:
  • Humanitarian responders have enhanced knoweldge and competencies to prevent and respond to (the worst forms of) child labour in emergencies
Coordination, Policy and Advocacy:
  • Child labour in humanitarian settings is integrated/refleced in the agenda’s of relevant global, regional and local platforms, including but not liited to 8.7 Alliance and other Task Forces under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Child Labour Task Force Leads

Ilenia de Marino, Plan International

Simon Hills, International Labour Organisation