Accountability to children

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Accountability to Children Mission:

The goal of the Alliance’s Accountability to Children Initiative is for all humanitarian programmes to be accountable to children and ensure their meaningful and equitable participation in line with their evolving capacities as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The initiative is led by the Accountability to Children Advisory Group, comprising of child protection and accountability specialists from key organisations operating in the humanitarian space, who will advise on the process and technical elements to implement the accountability to children objectives of the Alliance Strategy 2021-2025.


Accountability to Children is a strategic priority of the Alliance over 2021-2025. Over this period the Accountability to Children Initiative will aim to:

  • Implement the Alliance’s Accountability Strategic Plan;
  • Shape the implementation of advocacy on accountability, in collaboration with other stakeholders including donors in the humanitarian system, with a strong child protection focus;
  • Effectively engage the Alliance in global accountability initiatives;
  • Prioritise and fundraise for child accountability-specific actions to be taken by the Alliance;
  • Improve accountability to children within the Alliance’s structure, governance, and products.