Led By: World Vision nInternational

Contact us at: ccp.tf@alliancecpha.org

Our Mission

To strengthen the evidence base for Community-Level Child Protection programming, documenting innovative and promising practices, and developing guidance and capacity-building resources based on learning.

Key Priorities of the Community Level Child Protection Task Force (CCP TF)

  • Strengthen understanding of Standard 17 and corresponding inter-agency guidance among Child Protection Practitioners
  • Facilitate access to interagency guidance and tools to operationalize Standard 17 for Child Protection practitioners and other relevant stakeholders
  • Increase learning and evidence-based on community-level approaches
  • Support the joint Community-Level Child Protection Task Force and Case Management Task Force initiative “Community Engagement in Case Management” through the stages of learning, development, piloting, and dissemination

Community Level Child Protection Task Force Leads

Joy Cheung, World Vision