The Alliance is working together with the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) to encourage and support collaboration between the two sectors. The work is led by a Technical Focal Point who reports into both networks, with guidance from a multi-agency, cross-sector Advisory Group.
- Improved wellbeing of children and youth affected by emergencies, crises and forced displacement.
- Closer collaboration between CPHA & EiE Actors at all levels of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle and at every stage in a response.
Convene a multi-agency cross-sector Advisory Group to guide and provide technical oversight to all resources planned and produced,
Develop foundational advocacy and technical guidance in support of collaboration,
Work towards collaborative capacity building initiatives to support field practitioners,
Create opportunities to learn from collaborative and integrated programming to inform promising practices,
Ensure promising practices are shared to support collective learning between the two sectors and inform programming.