Technical Materials



Early Childhood:

Children with Disabilities:


Child Participation:

Environmental Considerations:

Refugees, Internally Displaced and Migrant Population Settings:

Infectious Disease Outbreak Settings:

Urban Settings:

Mobile Programming:

Cash and Voucher Assistance:

Systems Strengthening:

Child Trafficking:

Standard 1: Coordination:

Standard 2: Human Resources:

Standard 3: Communications and Advocacy:

Standard 4: Programme Cycle Management:

Child Protection-Specific Resources:

Humanitarian Standards: 

PCM Resources: 


Child Participation and Ethical Considerations for involving Children in Programming: 


Standard 5: Information Management: 

Standard 6: Child Protection Monitoring: 

Standard 7: Dangers and Injuries: 

Standard 8: Physical and Emotional Maltreatment: 

Standard 9: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: 

Standard 10: Mental Health and Psychosocial Distress:

Standard 11: Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups: 

Standard 12: Child Labour: 

Standard 13: Unaccompanied and Separated Children:

Standard 14: Applying a Socio-Ecological Approach to Child Protection Programming:

Standard 15: Group Activities for Child Well-Being: 

Standard 16: Strengthening Family and Caregiving Environments:

None at this time.

Standard 17: Community-Level Approaches:

Standard 18: Case Management:

Standard 19: Alternative Care:

Standard 20:  Justice for Children: 

Standard 21: Food Security and Child Protection: 

Standard 22: Livelihoods and Child Protection: 

Standard 23: Education and Child Protection: 

Standard 24: Health and Child Protection: 

Standard 25: Nutrition and Child Protection: 

Standard 26: WASH and Child Protection: 

Standard 27: Shelter and Child Protection: 

Standard 28: Camp Coordination and Camp Management and Child Protection: 

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Resource Package | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in CAAFAG Programmes

The CAAFAG Task Force was pleased to contributed to the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in CAAFAG Programmes Learning Package. The MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package (field-test version) is an inter-agency package of resources that aims to support the integration of MHPSS into...

Mini Guide #1 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Adapting child protection programming in infectious disease outbreaks

This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and the social service workforce in settings impacted by infectious disease outbreaks. It provides an overview of why and how to adapt national and community-level child protection interventions during outbreaks. The focus is...

Mini Guide #2 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Advocating for the centrality of children and their protection in infectious disease outbreaks

This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and managers in settings impacted on by infectious disease outbreaks. It can also be used by coordinators of inter-agency groups or technical task forces, members of the social service workforce, and actors in health, mental...

Mini Guide #3 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Collaborating with the health sector in infectious disease outbreaks

National and global efforts to prevent, respond to, and recover from outbreaks are typically led by the health sector, even when interventions are multi-sectoral in nature. This Mini-Guide demonstrates how and why child protection considerations can and should be integrated into outbreak management...

Mini Guide #4 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Communicating with children in infectious disease outbreaks

Talking with and listening to children are not done in the same way as with adults. Children have different communication needs based on their age, stage of development, and other individual characteristics. This Mini-Guide is primarily for child protection and health practitioners. It can also be...

Assessment of Alliance COVID-19 Activities: A Summary

From the earliest stages of the pandemic, The Alliance found itself at the forefront of supporting child protection practitioners across the world to adapt to the realities of the world under COVID-19. In March 2020, The Alliance formed an inter-agency task team to produce and disseminate technical...

Child Protection Advocacy Messages for Ukraine

These advocacy messages have been developed to support advocacy efforts conducted by Alliance members and wider humanitarian actors responding to/working on the Ukraine crisis response. The messages are categorised by issues and themes and include recommendations for donors, humanitarian agencies...

Guidance | Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Information Sheet

The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Task Force is proud to share this Information Sheet to respond to the Ukraine crisis. While recognising the leadership of national governments and ministries in the care and protection of children on their territory, the UASC Information Sheet serves...

Child Protection and UASC Resources for Ukraine

Call for a Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption in Response to the Conflict in Ukraine [Available in English, Ukrainian and Polish] The Alliance is coordinating with partners, including UNHCR, UNICEF and the Child Protection Area of Responsibility to play our part in trying to support this response...

Call for Abstracts | 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

2022 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability, Localisation and Working Across Sectors 20th - 22nd June 2022 Registration information for the Annual...

Operational Guidance | Negotiating and Implementing Handover Protocols for the Transfer of CAAFAG

March 2022 – Handover protocols are agreements by governments or armed groups to swiftly transfer children allegedly associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) in their custody, or whom they have encountered, to child protection actors for appropriate support services, including, but not...

COVID-19 Resource Tracker

In April 2020, the Alliance COVID-19 Mapping Team began tracking resources and articles on some of the key CPMS Standards and topics around child protection and COVID-19. Almost two years later, this process has produced the Child Protection and COVID-19 Resource Tracker, which contains the final...

CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit: Training Guide and Guidelines

Tips for using the tools within the toolkit: Open the PDF using Abode Acrobat and find the tools identified with the paper clip icon. Then click on the small arrow on the left hand side and then on the paper clip icon to open the list of tools. Introduction: The CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit...

Community Child Protection Volunteer Toolkit and Training Manual

Today, more than ever, volunteers are on the frontlines of protecting children in their communities. Volunteers work tirelessly in complex humanitarian contexts and often face emotional and physical risks, with little recognition for their efforts. The Toolkit for Community Child Protection...

Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) is “the prevention of and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children in humanitarian action.” While significant effort and improvements have been made in the sector on responding when harm has already taken place, less focus...

Report | The Unprotected: Annual Spotlight on Child Protection Funding in Humanitarian Action – 2021

Find the Executive Summary in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Children make up 50% of those affected in humanitarian crises and are disproportionately impacted by conflict and crisis. Throughout 2020 and 2021, COVID-19, conflict and climate change have been impacting children at unprecedented...

Storybook | Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection Through a Child’s Eyes

Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection Through a Child’s Eyes When her hometown erupted in violence, young Mariam was forced to flee with part of her family. Three years later, she tells her story in I am Mariam, a delightful, illustrated book. Accompanying her in her journey, we discover how she...

CPHA Community of Practice

The Alliance and the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility are thrilled to host the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) Community of Practice! The community is an online space for CPHA practitioners to connect, communicate, and share updates, resources, and experiences to reach...

Participant Pack for the Alliance Strategy Launch Event

Thank you to all who have already registered for the Alliance Strategy Launch event “ A Clarion Call: The Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action”, taking place on Monday, the 6th of December at 15:00 – 16:00 GVA time. Please find the agenda, available in English, French...

The Alliance 2021 Annual Meeting Moments Report

Did you miss out on the Alliance 2021 Annual Meeting on Preventing Harm to Children? No need to worry - you can follow-along just as if you were at the 2021 Annual Meeting by browsing through the LIVE tweets from the meeting by taking a look at our 2021 Annual Meeting Moments Report. This report...

Blog Post | The Climate Crisis, Climate Justice and Child Protection during the 2021 Annual Meeting

Initiating the dialogue; Child Protection Alliance annual meeting “Climate action is not sufficiently child sensitive, or child informed, and rarely integrates child protection risks.” “There is a huge, timely opportunity for the child protection sector to influence evolving climate agendas -in...

Guidance | CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package

The Alliance L&D Working Group is thrilled to announce that the CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package has been finalized and replaces the CPMS Working Group’s 2014 Frontline Workers package! This package has been designed to rapidly onboard new team members in the wake of a new emergency...

Growing Strong Together: A Parenting Program to Support the Reintegration of Children and Prevent their Recruitment

This Intervention Package aims at supporting practitioners to roll out and implement parenting intervention to protect children, and adolescents and young persons (8-21 years) from recruitment and promote their reintegration following association with armed forces or armed groups. If you would like...

World Children's Day 2021 | Joint-Statement on the Centrality of Children in Climate Action

The Centrality of Children in Climate Action World Children’s Day 2021 As COP 26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference ends, the world must grapple with how much still must be done to ensure a safe environment for our children and future generations. With little time left to slow the...

Background Paper | Reducing Child Labour in Agriculture in Humanitarian Contexts

In 2020, 155 million people in 55 countries/regions were in crisis or worse – an increase of about 20 million people from 2019. In addition, children around the world are negatively affected by worsening education opportunities and the socioeconomic impacts of measures to stop the transmission of...