Take the Child Protection Minimum Standards e-Course
Deepen Your Professional Knowledge
Take a Deep Dive Into the Child Protection Minimum Standards at Your Own Pace With the CPMS E-course

The CPMS E-learning Course in Brief

This free-of-charge course offers an accessible introduction to child protection in humanitarian action with the Child Protection Minimum Standards as its core. Learners will deepen their understanding of how to apply child protection principles and standards in practice. It will be particularly useful to new staff working in child protection and other sectors. The course is also available in French and Spanish.

For Whom Is This Course

For Whom Is This Course

The course will be useful to child protection workers and newcomers who want to deepen their professional knowledge and to anyone working with children in humanitarian settings. It has been designed for staff of local, national and international NGOs, as well as government and UN agencies.

How It Can Be Used

How It Can Be Used

Individuals can take the course as a self-guided learning experience. Organisations can use it for the induction of new staff. Trainers can make it a pre-requisite for face-to-face, on-line, or blended learning activities.

What You Will Get

What You Will Get

Completing the course ensures a basic understanding of the principles and standards that guide our work with children and families. You will increase your knowledge of the CPMS and how they are applied in practice. When you complete five modules (see below), you will obtain a course certificate.

How Much Time You Need to Invest

How Much Time You Need to Invest

It depends on how many modules you take. Completing the five modules required to obtain the course certificate (see below) takes between 4-5 hours. You can pause the course at any time.

Learning Menu

Once you enroll in the CPMS e-course, you can pace the learning to your needs. Among the currently available modules, five are required to obtain the course certificate (the four indicated below plus one additional module on one of the remaining standards of your choice). The rest of the modules can be taken in any order and according to your needs.

Introduction to the CPMS

Introduction to the CPMS

This module provides an overview and basic definitions of child protection in humanitarian action and the CPMS themselves. It examines how the CPMS fit into humanitarian and child protection work, their purpose, linkages to other standards, and how to use them. (Required for the course certificate.)

Principles and Approaches

Principles and Approaches

This module looks at ten principles that provide a basis for child protection work in humanitarian action. These principles lay the ground for using the standards to achieve greater quality and accountability. (Required for the course certificate.) In addition to Principles and Approaches, the following modules are also available:

  • Principle 1: Survival and development
  • Principle 2: Non-discrimination and inclusion
  • Principle 3: Children’s participation
  • Principle 4: The best interests of the child
The Standards

The Standards

These modules do not intend to be comprehensive but introduce each standard with examples of how to apply them in practice. The following modules are currently available:

  • Standard 1: Coordination (Required for the course certificate.)
  • Standard 3: Communications and Advocacy
  • Standard 4: Programme Cycle Management (Required for the course certificate.)
  • Standard 8: Physical and Emotional Maltreatment
  • Standard 9: Sexual - and Gender-Based Violence
  • Standard 12: Child Labour
  • Standard 14: Applying a Socio-Ecological Approach
  • Standard 15: Group Activities for Child Well-Being
  • Standard 16: Strengthening Family and Caregiving Environments
  • Standard 17: Community-Level Approaches
  • Standards 21 & 22: Food Security / Livelihoods and Child Protection
  • Standard 23: Education and Child Protection
  • Standard 24: Health and Child Protection
  • Standard 28: Camp Management and Child Protection

The CPMS Online Course Is Also Available On:

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