Led By: Save the Children and International Rescue Committee

Contact us at: cpms.wg@alliancecpha.org

Our Mission

The Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) Working Group supports the participatory setting of sector-wide standards for child protection in humanitarian action, promotes their use and institutionalisation and captures lessons learned to improve them

The Child Protection Minimum Standards

One of the most widely used set of humanitarian standards, the CPMS are a tried and tested solution for child protection practitioners seeking to deepen their professional knowledge and improve their organisations’ programs.
 Find Out More

Implementing CPMS Across Humanitarian Sectors

Every humanitarian actor has a responsibility and a role to play in protecting children and promoting their well-being. Collaborating across sectors is crucial to achieve these goals and make the most of available resources.


During 2022 and beyond, the Working Group will continue:

  • Overseeing the roll-out of the CPMS 2019 edition,
  • Promoting the CPMS implementation across sectors,
  • Developing multimedia capacity-building resources,
  • Supporting humanitarian agencies to institutionalise the standards, and
  • Ensuring resources are available in Arabic, French and Spanish.

Child Protection for Minimum Standards Working Group Leads

Joanna Wedge, International Rescue Committee

Susanna Davies, Save the Children