Our Vision

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action ("The Alliance") envisions a world in which children are protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence in humanitarian settings.
Our Mission
Support the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in both refugee and non-refugee humanitarian contexts.
At a Glance

Member organisations with unique focuses, scopes and Areas of operation
over 60%

Are local & National member organisations
5 categories of work

Standard setting and guidance development, capacity strengthening, learning and development, evidence and knowledge generation, advocacy and convening
Upcoming Events and Webinars
Latest resources
Empfehlungen | Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den
Am 31. Oktober organisierte die Allianz zusammen mit der Global Child Protection Accountability Area, dem Global Food Safety Cluster und Plan International eine globale Online-Veranstaltung, um...
Empfehlungen | Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den
Am 31. Oktober organisierte die Allianz zusammen mit der Global Child Protection Accountability Area, dem Global Food Safety Cluster und Plan International eine globale Online-Veranstaltung, um...