Updates from the L&D Working Group
Freshly translated!
In an effort to make all Learning and Development Working Group products accessible to a greater audience over the last few weeks of 2021 we were able to translate:
- The CPHA Competency Framework in Spanish and French! Available here! Arabic is still missing and if you are able to help on a pro bono basis please get in touch through: learning@alliancecpha.org
- The CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package in Spanish, French and Arabic. Available here. Please disseminate widely and should you need help with contextualization feel free to get in touch with learning@alliancecpha.org
Kind Reminder!
As most of you already know the Alliance has partnered with the Child Protection Area of Responsibility to set up a new CPHA community of practice on Changemakers for Children. Many of you have already joined the community but many are still to become members and get active on the platform! This community is an online space for CPHA practitioners to connect, communicate, and share updates, resources and improve coordination to reach better protection outcomes for children. This space:
- Is open and welcoming to all child protection practitioners
- Encourages peer support, experience sharing, and learning
- Encourages formal and informal resource sharing
Join and introduce yourself if you have not already done so or encourage team members and partners to join!
Register here!