Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action: Concepts, Definitions, and Domains
This desk review represents the first step in a larger process to develop an overarching definition of child wellbeing that can be adapted according to context and used to define strategic objectives within humanitarian response.
This report can also be found in 11 postcard-sized slides with chapter-level summaries here.
This Desk Review has been updated and inlcuded in the Child Well-Being Contextaulization Training Package, available here.
This desk review represents the first step in a larger process to develop an overarching definition of child wellbeing that can be adapted according to context and used to define strategic objectives within humanitarian response.
This report can also be found in 11 postcard-sized slides with chapter-level summaries here.
This Desk Review has since been updated and inlcuded in the Child Well-Being Contextaulization Training Package, available here.