Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 4: Impact of COVID-19 on Child Labour Programming in Myanmar
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed any famailies into difficulties, which has increased the risk of chidlren being lured or forced into different types of work that are hazardous for thier health, wellbeing and development.
In this podcast, Hani Mansourian from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action speaks with Selim Benaissa, Chief Technical Officer from the ILO on the Myanmar program from the elimination of child labour. They discuss how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the program, which brings together the ILO, partner organisations, the government, workers and employers organisation and communitities to end child labour in the country.
If you want to find out more about the ILO's work in Myanmar: https://www.ilo.org/yangon/areas/childlabour/lang--en/index.htm
Check out the technical note related to child labour from the Alliance: https://www.alliancecpha.org/en/covid19childlabour
For the rest of the resources related to child protection and COVID-19, please go here: https://www.alliancecpha.org/en/series-of-child-protection-materials/protection-children-during-covid-19-pandemic
Get in touch with us if you like Protected! Podcast at podcast@alliancepha.org
This conversation was recorded on the 4th of June 2020.