Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 1: Prioritising MHPSS and CP Workers during COVID-19
This podcast is for all child protection actors everywhere. Wherever you are, hit the Play button now!
Dr Zeinab Hijazi, the mental health and psychosocial support expert from UNICEF talks to Hani Mansourian, the Alliance's Co-coordinator about the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. They discuss how child protection workers worldwide are dealing with the effects of both the virus and containment measures. Plus, how to look after our own mental health and our staff's wellbeing in these times.
Dr Hijazi mentioned a couple of papers and briefing notes, so we put a list of them below.
Here are the IASC guidelines that Dr Hijazi mentioned in the podcast, check them out. Link: interagencystandingcommittee.org/iasc-ref…briefing
You can download the different language versions of the children’s book, “My Hero is You”, scroll to the bottom of the page linked to below. Link: interagencystandingcommittee.org/iasc-ref…hero-you
And of course the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has some resources you can draw on when adapting case management, messaging and programs for child protection in your context. Link: cpie.info/COVID19CP or alliancecpha.org/en/series-of-chi…ovid-19-pandemic
Get in touch with us if you like Protected! Podcast at podcast@alliancecpha.org
This conversation was recorded on 9 April 2020.