Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
households (CHH) and Unaccompanied Children (UAC)
What is the purpose of this tool?
This tool gives guidance on providing cash and voucher assistance directly to children/adolescents who are unaccompanied or heading a household.
Who is this tool for?
This tool is for all actors using cash and voucher assistance as a form of intervention in humanitarian settings. It is recommended that those without child protection expertise involve child protection actors/experts when targeting child heads of households or unaccompanied children. Thus, this guidance suggests all actions are to be implemented with collaboration between CVA and CP actors/colleagues throughout.
In what contexts can you use this tool?
The tool was primarily developed for humanitarian settings. Settings may be impacted by conflict and/or civil unrest; affected by geo-climatic
disasters; and/or experiencing infectious disease outbreaks and/or economic crises. The guidance is also relevant in refugee receiving countries. The guidance may also be applicable, with adaptation, in other settings not experiencing crises.
What does this tool contain?
This guidance includes: An introduction covering the purpose and subject of this guidance; principles that guide CVA for CHH and/or UAC; criteria that have to be met in order to implement CVA for CHH and/or UAC; actions that need to be completed before CVA begins; and guidance for implementing CVA for CHH and/or UAC that follows the stages of the programme management cycle.