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2022 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts NOW OPEN

The Alliance

2022 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action


Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability, Localisation and Working Across Sectors

20th - 22nd June 2022

Registration information for the Annual Meeting will be shared in early April.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is holding the 2022 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 20th to 22nd June 2022. This year's meeting will include 2.5 days of discussion to inform and drive the transformation of the Alliance strategy into a concrete and ambitious strategic plan. This will be done by exploring the strategic priorities of the Alliance and how they interrelate and reinforce each other; conceptually and practically. 


The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for humanitarian actors to come together and exchange knowledge and experience, while networking with other agencies, academics, policy makers and donors. The annual meeting represents a forum where important themes can be discussed and ways forward can be developed.


To achieve this, we invite Child Protection and other sector actors, researchers, policy makers, and donors to share their experience, successes, failures and groundbreaking ideas at the 2022 Annual Meeting.


We will welcome presentations that cover research, programming models, lessons learned, challenges and failures. We encourage examples of work across sectors, across humanitarian and development settings, and by and with local actors. 


If you would like to present, please submit an abstract(link is external) (presentation summary), by emailing it to sends email) by 15th April 2022.


Please note that submission of an abstract is not a guarantee that we will be able to include your presentation in the agenda for the meeting. The organizing team will contact you before the end of April 2022 about whether your presentation has been selected.