

Child Labour Webcast | The Impact of Humanitarian Crisis and Child Labour

This is the third session of the Child Labour in Humanitarian Action Training Package. This session is on preventing and protecting children from child labour in humanitarian crisis.

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

Comis commoveo conventio haero ideo importunus lenis luctus neo vindico. Abluo aliquam elit ideo illum neque quadrum saepius vulpes. Caecus commoveo consequat cui ex iusto paulatim sudo tincidunt velit. Abdo abluo acsi cogo pagus plaga sed turpis typicus vero. Appellatio eu neo nibh nisl sit utinam...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

Meus neo nunc tego. Causa damnum decet diam eu nibh. Defui lenis obruo usitas. Conventio sino suscipit. Cogo imputo lenis modo sit venio. Abluo eligo macto neo sagaciter volutpat. Iusto paulatim quia tincidunt tum. Iriure nisl quia quidne suscipere. Causa exerci exputo ille nisl oppeto quidne te...

The Alliance Strategy (2021-2025) | A Clarion Call: The Centrality of Children and their Protection within Humanitarian Action

To watch the virtual launch of the Alliance Startegy, click here. Introducing the 2021-2025 Alliance Strategy: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s 2021-2025 Strategy centres around one goal: Overarching Goal: The CENTRALITY of CHILDREN and their PROTECTION is recognised and...

The 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action begins MONDAY, 4 October

We are holding the 5th Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform starting on Monday, 4th to 8h of October 2021. This year's meeting will include 5 half-days of interactive sessions dedicated to the theme of: Preventing Harm to Children. There will also be a...

News | E-Course on Minimum Standards Soon Available in Spanish and French

Good news for Spanish- and French-speaking humanitarians interested in strengthening their ability to use the Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) in their work. The CPMS eCourse will be available in those languages in just a few weeks. The eCourse allows users to acquire or deepen their...

Summary of Abstracts | 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This booklet contains a summary of abstracts that were submitted for the 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action from October 4-8, 2020. The theme of this years meeting is ‘Preventing Harm to Children’. The abstracts are organised by the daily agenda ( available here) and are...

Webinar | Child Protection Mainstreaming in Health Facilities: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance L&D Working Group is pleased to invite you to join a webinar on Child Protection and Health integration and programming adaptations during COVID-19 crisis. During the webinar you will hear from practitioners on adaptations made to mainstream child protection...

Video | Primary Prevention Explained: Sarah's Story

Watch this short video and learn about the importance of prevention for the protection of children in humanitiarian action.

The Alliance Annual Report (2018 - 2020)

The past three years have been filled with new opportunrities, activities, challenges and lessons learned here at the Alliance. This Annual Report contains an overview of the work done by the Alliance Secretariat, Working Groups, Task Forces and Initiative since 2018, including the Alliance response...

Enhanced CPMS Indicators Table

An easy-to-navigate PDF, the Enhanced CPMS Indicators Table includes the 28 Child Protection Minimum Standards and their indicators with type, target values and explanatory notes plus suggested computation methods and data source examples. Developed by the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence...

Webinar | Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellbeing during COVID-19 Response

This event takes place virtually and presents a unique opportunity for social service practitioners, experts and policy makers from around the world to come together to discuss the biggest issues facing the social service workforce today, including the impact of the pandemic on the social service...

Guidance | A Brief Guide: Selecting Child Protection Minimum Standards Indicators for Application in Programs, Projects or Humanitarian Response Plans

This guidance document provides information on the Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) measurement framework. Traditionally, accountability measures in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) have focused on meeting output benchmarks (such as number of people trained, number of...

Position Paper | From Theory to Practice: Towards a Framework for Primary Prevention in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This position paper was developed as part of the Alliance-led Prevention Initiative. The objective of the Prevention Initiative is to develop key prevention focused resources to support child protection humanitarian practitioners in their efforts to prevent harm to children before it occurs...

L&D Working Group Strategy 2021-23

For the 2021-2023 strategy, the Alliance will place greater emphasis on its capacity strengthening, learning, and development function. This elevated status is grounded in the acknowledgement of the importance of capacity strengthening efforts in the delivery of high-quality and robust programmes...

L&D Working Group Strategy Infographic

View the L&D WG Strategy Infographic!

CAAFAG and COVID-19 [English]

This webinar will focus on the impacts of COVID-19 on programs related to children associated with armed forces and armed groups. Building from Key Messages and Considerations for Programming for CAAFAG During COVID-19, this webinar will bring together CP practitioners from Nigeria, South Sudan, and...

Webinar | Adapting CAAFAG Programing in the Context of COVID-19: One Year On

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance L&D Working Group and CAAFAG Task Force are pleased to invite you to join a webinar on CAAFAG programming adaptations during COVID-19 crisis. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 8 September, 15.00-16.00 CEST. During the webinar we will be hearing from...

Blog | Child Protection and Education Communities Call for the Protection of Education from Attack

In 2020 the widespread closures of schools around the world drew global attention as children and young people across all corners of the globe were shut out of schools as result of the COVID-19 crisis. As many as 1.6 billion students saw their education disrupted, drawing global attention as the...


This web event - part of our COVID-19 webinar series - will focus on the impact of school closure and reopening on children and young people’s protection and education, as well as the impact on COVID-19 transmission. The webinar will highlight the recent policy paper by INEE and the Alliance for...

Child Protection Mainstreaming in Health Facilities During COVID-19


Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

Consectetuer exerci ibidem molior neque quae verto. Decet illum in quae quia quidne quis secundum suscipit. Haero qui quidem typicus. Cogo nibh oppeto scisco sed typicus. Caecus commoveo eligo persto premo quae refoveo ut voco vulputate. Iusto ludus uxor virtus ymo. Immitto iriure neque te. Amet...

Using Digital Platforms for Remote Programming Safely: Skype, Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams

This video is intended to include key considerations for using online platforms safely for remote programming. This video is not intended to be not a comprehensive overview of the platform.

Using Digital Platforms for Remote Programming Safely: WhatsApp and Signal

This video is intended to include key considerations for using online platforms safely for remote programming. This video is not intended to be not a comprehensive overview of the platform.

Using Digital Platforms for Remote Programming Safely: YouTube and Facebook

This video is intended to include key considerations for using online platforms safely for remote programming. This video is not intended to be not a comprehensive overview of the platform.