

Toolkit | Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection When Using Cash and Voucher Assistance

The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection when using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CP and CVA M&E Toolkit) is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), and child protection. It aims to assess, address and monitor 1) Direct and indirect impact...

Virtual Launch | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

Register via this Zoom link. Worldwide, an estimated 152 million girls and boys are in child labour, almost half of them, 73 million, work in hazardous child labour. The incidence of child labour in humanitarian crises is an imminent concern. The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to push millions...

Video Invitation | Virtual Launch of the Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

Join the Alliance and other Child Protection colleagues committed to ending child labour like Molly, in the virtual launch of the Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing & Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action on 23 March 2021 @ 2:00 pm CET! You do not want to miss out on the special virtual...


This 2020 UNICEF review of evidence and practice to support the implementation of MHPSS in humanitarian settings has been updated from 2015, and now includes evidence from 2015-2020, and additional evidence on child and community participation. The 2020 review is based on the socio-ecological model...

Summary | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

The Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action offers a strong global commitment to addressing child labour in humanitarian action. It was developed by the global Child Labour Task Force, under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action...

Blog Post | No Education, No Protection

In April 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, UNESCO estimated that more than 1.5 billion students and youth – nearly 90% worldwide – were out of school, disrupting the academic progress and social and emotional development that education provides. For nearly a year now, with...

Evidence Paper | No Education, No Protection: What school closures under COVID-19 mean for children and young people in crisis-affected contexts

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented levels of school closures, affecting up to 90% of learners globally. While it was deemed necessary to close schools and other education institutions to reduce transmission of COVID-19, the paper shows how this has clearly had negative consequences...

Guidance | Understanding Risk and Protective Factors in Humanitarian Crises: Towards a Preventive Approach to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Recognizing the strategic importance of improving evidence-based approaches to preventing child protection issues, this report was developed to inform the establishment of a measurement framework for prevention programming in support of the Alliance-led Prevention Initiative. While child protection...

Guidance | Understanding Risk and Protective Factors in Humanitarian Crises: Towards a Preventive Approach to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Recognizing the strategic importance of improving evidence-based approaches to preventing child protection issues, this report was developed to inform the establishment of a measurement framework for prevention programming in support of the Alliance-led Prevention Initiative. While child protection...

Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Case Studies

Find ALL 34 Case Studies in the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Preventing and Responding to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action!

Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Tools

Find ALL 19 Practical Tools in the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Preventing and Responding to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action!

Webinar | Child Protection Remote Capacity-Building Adaptations (French version)

Register via this Zoom link. This webinar is part of the Alliance L&D Working Group webinar series on Child Protection Capacity Building Adaptations during COVID-19. Each webinar will present practical approaches and recommendations on how to adapt capacity building activities and deliver them...

Working Across Sectors to Promote Children's Protection and Well-Being

Working across sectors to promote children's protection and well-being is a priority for the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) also provides focused standards and guidance to better work across sectors...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

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Position Paper | Collaboration Across Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Education in Emergencies

In this paper, the The Alliance and INEE set out the evidence supporting collaboration and integration between the sectors, providing a rationale for cross-sector work grounded in child well-being and holistic development. The paper includes a summary of challenges and opportunities, and draws out...

Report | Action Points on the Protection of Children and Infectious Disease Outbreaks from the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

To find the special video presentation by the Alliance COVID-19 Focal Point Team and learn about the six critical actions, click here! The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) held the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual...

Inter-Agency Child Labour Toolkit | Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

Every day, millions of children worldwide experience the consequences of violent conflicts, climate change, disasters and epidemics. In times of crisis, when people are forced to flee their homes, schools close, jobs are lost and the availability of services decreases, child labour becomes a coping...

Interactive Learning Webinar | Connecting Child Protection, Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash – Working Together to Protect Children from the Effects of COVID-19 and Beyond

Find the presentation from this webinar here. The benefits of social protection and humanitarian actors working together in different ways across the “nexus” is well-recognised. In order to address the wide range of needs (in the last year, often pandemic-related), and particularly those of a socio...

Webinar | Child Protection Capacity-Building Adaptation in MENA During COVID-19 (Arabic version)

Register via this Zoom link. Please find the Arabic Webinar Flyer attached below. This webinar is a part of the Alliance L&D Working Group webinar series on Child Protection Capacity Building Adaptations during COVID-19. Each webinar will present practical approaches and recommendations on how to...

Contextualizing and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action

The Alliance AME Working Group is excited to present the Child Well-Being Contextualization Guide! The package of child well-being resources includes: 1) Defining and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Contextualization Guide Ensuring children’s well-being is generally recognized...

Policy Paper Summary | Social Protection and Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond

Find this short summary for the policy paper, Social Protection and Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond, coordinated by the Alliance and co-sponored by UNICEF and Save the Children! This summary highlights the key arguments from the policy...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

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Child Labour Tool | Addressing Child Labour During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This is guidance for practitioners who are working in contexts of infectious disease outbreaks. It outlines the child labour risks associated with infectious disease outbreaks and the recommended actions to prevent and respond to child labour. This guidance draws upon lessons learned from a variety...

Child Labour Tool | Age Verification for Working Children

Where children may be engaged in vocational training, livelihoods or decent work programmes, humanitarian actors will need to verify the age of the child, to ensure that children are old enough to participate. Always follow existing legislation and guidelines on age verification and certification...

Child Labour Tool | Body Safety

In addition to regular and consistent safety assessments, case workers can hold separate sessions with children and caregivers on body safety and safety planning. This can help children to communicate their boundaries and respond to unsafe situations. These sessions can help children to feel more...